The story kinda begins

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I sat there sitting in a white room handcuffed to a table with the only defining feature of the room was a mirror. So as I sat there I decided to do what most people in my situation would do ask a question. "Can I get my phone call?" Moments later a man walked in slicked back white hair, blue jacket, and a pair of khakis. This wasn't my first meeting with him we have clashed before. His name was Hatashi Onishima captain of the Tokyo-to police force, and we aren't friends.

"No you may not after that stunt you pulled. You should be thankful my men didn't take you down like I said" Hayashi remarked in his condescending tone.

"You know the GG's are going to get me out of this mess I'm not scared of you or your police. I was born here this is our city and we won't be ruled by a military force like you freaks." I told him angrily

"Freaks?" He questioned before punching me across the face. "We are the peace that keeps this city safe. The order that you kids try to destroy. Without us this city would be in complete chaos."

"You're wrong once the GG's get me out of here DJ Professor K will be all over the airwaves telling Tokyo-to how you lost again to a group of street punks as you eloquently referred to us." At that moment I knew I crossed the line. His eyes seemed to begin glowing in rage.

"That DJ won't save you and neither will those rats this city is mine and so are you."

I'm probably getting ahead of myself my name is Beat I'm the leader of what some people call a gang, but no one ever gets hurt. We call ourselves the GG's. Now to understand what's going and how I got caught by the police I'll have to start from the beginning.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2017 ⏰

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