No One Like Gaston

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I knew that Gaston lived in a particular apartment complex on the south side of town, like many of the soldiers. I rode my hoverbike straight there, hoping he was home and not out drinking with his buddies at the local bar. The apartment pods were stackable but stylish--columns of huge cubes with rounded corners and a front porch. The edges glowed with a soft blue light. In the city, the pods would have been clustered close together, but out here, there was a small courtyard area between every few pod-columns. 

I found a guest parking spot and locked my bike, creeping into the closest courtyard and looking around. The lights had flicked on when the sun set, so I was very visible from anyone looking out of their windows. This could be a problem if anyone recognized me. I didn't exactly hang out with the soldiers, unlike Ada, and I didn't want my presence here being reported to anyone. But how was I going to figure out which pod housed Gaston?

Hurrying out of the courtyard, I moved closer to the pods, hoping to see some sign of him in the windows. I had a sneaking suspicion he would have a top-floor apartment--he seemed like that kind of guy--so I gradually moved upstairs. However, the windows had been dimmed in many of the pods, and the others had people inside, and I didn't exactly want to stare inside anyone's window. So I passed by each lighted room with a glance though the glass, trying to make it look as casual as possible. A few people passed by me; I ducked my face down and tried to look inconspicuous.

I was just about to give up and go search the bar when I heard him.

"Belle?" His voice thundered a little in the quiet, and I flinched, turning slowly to face him. He was coming out of one of the lighted rooms I had just passed--I must not have seen him in the crowd of people. Gaston was beaming at me with that smile of his, his muscular frame making the walkway look even smaller. I was glad to have found him, but also... this was the same man I had very solidly rejected a couple hours ago. Which made this a little awkward....

"Um, hello," I said, not sure I wanted to get any closer. But no matter--Gaston quickly crossed the distance between us, looking awfully pleased with himself. 

"Looking for me?" he asked, almost puffing out his chest. 

Of course he would assume that. I wished I could have said no. "Um, yes, actually," I said uncomfortably, avoiding his gaze. 

Gaston smirked a little. "Well, then," he said, in a luxurious sort of way. "Let's go to my place." And he started forward, brushing past me with a crooked smile and flashing blue eyes.

I suddenly worried he'd gotten the wrong idea. "Oh!" I said, hurrying after him. "I didn't mean..." But how was I going to explain what I did mean? I looked around for other soldiers, not wanting to explain my plan to Gaston within earshot of them.

He stopped at a door, placing his hand against the palm reader and winking at me. "Belle," he chided. "You're blushing." 

The door slid open and he strode inside. I hesitated for a moment, biting my lip. Obviously I had to clear up this misunderstanding. I wished there was someone else I could go to, but I could think of no other soldier who might be willing to go against my father's wishes. Besides, I had a stun gun in my pocket, just in case. With a sigh, I followed Gaston into the apartment.

My eyes widened a little as I took in the place. Unlike the normal spartan, modern decor, Gaston's place looked like something out of an old movie. Somehow he'd managed to get the normally white walls to look textured like brick. There was a rustic-looking rug in the center of the room over hardwood floors, and an old-fashioned leather couch. The place actually had what looked like a brick fireplace, which Gaston immediately walked over to. He pressed something on the top, and flames suddenly flickered to life. I jumped at the bright light and flare of warmth. That was a real fire.

Space Fairy Tales: Beauty and the Beastحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن