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Nobody was asleep in the apartment right now. Boxes were in my room. I'm moving in with Adam. Tommy's crying filled the apartment. I guess America told him...

I toss and turn. I wasn't comfortable. "Why!" Tommy wails. He won't be sleeping tonight...

He kept crying and crying and crying. He was excited. So excited, he already bought clothes, both boy and girl clothes.

A soft knock comes upon my door. "Am? You awake?" Tommy's shaky voice fills my room.


He comes in and closes my door softly. "I just need someone to talk to. You're sister fell asleep."

I scoot over and pat the spot next to me. He comes and buries his head into my chest. "Our baby..."

I rub his back. We lay back down in my bed. "I even bought clothes! I guess it's a waste..."

"No! Don't throw them out! Save them."

He sighs. "I already miss someone that I haven't and will never meet."

"And that's ok."

"I love that baby more than I love myself."

"That was the most beautiful thing I've heard you say."

He does a small chuckle. "I've said pretty things in my life! You just haven't heard them yet."

I laugh and hug him. "Your baby would've been spoiled."

"By who?"

"Obviously the parents, Adam, and myself."

"Adam spoils every kid he sees."

I laugh. "True. You and him are old enough to actually adopt my sister."

"Ok, now that's just plain creepy."

"It's true!"

"Now I'd rather burp in your face."


"You're welcome."

"Now you make me want to put deodorant on."


I laugh. "You love me!"

"Yeah, yeah." He rolls his eyes, chuckling.


He laughs. "You love me, Lane."

I scoff. "No I don't. Crapyacka, yes I do!"


"Adam made that word up."

"Of course he did."

I laugh. "I can't control him."

He sighs. "Can I sleep in here tonight?"



I nod. He falls asleep really fast. He fell asleep in my arms. What if I become my sisters surrogate? Wow, I have weird thoughts at night...

Life Of A Glambert: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now