Chapter 1

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Has my life always been perfect? No. I went through some tough times. I've had countless, sleepless nights. I've always felt so lonely...Like how no one understands me. What am I? Who am I? Questions I ask myself everyday. People believe that I am the light, that I am the one hope that can get them through their surrounding darkness..... But they're completely wrong...for I am the dark and I've found my light....

Ever since he came along....

Chapter 1- New Day

The alarm buzzed by my bedside, and woke me up. Today was the start of a new day,  Senior year. First day of school, first day of hell, whoopee! I thought as I got up from my bed. I see my stuffed animals scattered around, (and yes I still have stuffed animals and there's nothing wrong with that.) My sisters always said that I was a spread eagle in bed.....I guess they're right. I stood up and went to the bathroom.

After getting ready for the day, I went on my phone to check for messages. I see 30 messages from my friends Angie and Lulu. They've been there for me ever since Freshman year and I'm so lucky to have them as my friends. I texted them in the group chat:

M: Hey guys!

A: Hey! You ready for the new school yr?

M: Not rlly....dreading it actually...

L: Oh, come on, it won't be THAT bad, this year will be your year I can tell!

M: Haha! Not likely...That's what you said last year wasn't it? XDD

A: That's tru....Well I know you can do well on your studies, Ms Honour Roll for the past three years.


M: Guys!! This year is serious! I need to get into my top choice for College.

A: U mean White Mountain Central University for Medical Students?

M: Yass!Exactly that! :)

L: Don't wrry, I know ucan do it! Believe in yourself, but also remember to relax a little, too much work isn't gud 4 u.

M: Yes, yes I know, DW about me. I'll be fineee

A: Well, who knows, you might get a boyfriend this yr XDDD

M: hahahahaha! not gonna happen.

L: Yeah, studies r more important.

A: TRU plus boys suck -.-

M: Well, I gtg get ready now, see u guys ltr! <3

L: See ya!


I smiled and put my phone down on the counter. I went to my closet and chose my outfit for the first day. I wore a leather black jacket with a blue plaid shirt and jeans. After I finished, I could hear my sister yelling from downstairs.

"Melodyyy! Breakfast is READYYY!" she cried out.

"Comingg!" I said, as I grabbed my backpack and binders. Joy.... I can't wait to go back to school. I walked down the stairs and I saw my mom making breakfast and my sister, Michelle organising her bag.

"Hey, Mel are you excited for school?" She asked.

"Why does everyone keep asking me this? And for the last time, NO!" I said, rolling my eyes.

"Okay, OKAY!" Michelle said, laughing. "Come on, I'll give you a ride, you wouldn't want to be late today, ESPECIALLY if you have Mr. Coyote as your math teacher."

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