Chapter 2

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I went along the hallway and reached the Biology class. I see a short female teacher with spiky hair and a thick accent walking towards us, and opening the door.

"Good morning, class. Please come right in." she said, as we all went into the room. "Students, please stay where you're standing, I have a seating plan arranged." 

I stood near the counters and the sink while the the teacher began to read names out on her paper. I patiently waited for my name, before I heard a laugh coming from behind me. I turned around to find the jerk I ran into this morning.

"Well, look who's's the Blind Nerd." he said, laughing at me.

I rolled my eyes and began to ignore him, but he persisted. "Wonder if Ms. Honour Roll can beat me in Biology, or if she's really that smart." he said, smirking at me.

I felt anger running through my veins, "Oh, I can't wait to wipe that smug grin off of your stupid face once you realise how superior I am to you."

He smirked. "Can't wait. Blindy."

"You two over there, please settle down and be quiet." The teacher said to us.

"Sorry, Miss." I apologised and glared at him afterwards.

"Now, Melody Aguria, do I have a Melody here?" The teacher called out.

"Oh yes!" I raised my hand. "That would be me, miss."

"Okay, would you please take a seat right here?" She tapped on the desk, and I quickly took my seat. It was near the back, which I was fine with. It has better privacy.

"Perfect, do we have Alan Alkersan?" she asked.

"Right here, miss." The jerk said.

"Alright, now would you please take a seat right next to Melody." She said, as she pointed to the desk next to me. My eyes widen in horror. There's no way he's sitting next to me this entire semester. I will literally murder him in front of the entire class! This is ridiculous!

"Glad to see me, Blindy?" he came and sat next to me.

"Oh, hell no. You disgust me, and I swear if you try and use any distractions on me during class, I will slap you until you see stars." I threatened.

"Oh, please don't act like sitting next to you is a benefit." He said, while rolling his eyes. "I'd much rather sit next to those lovely girls over there." He said, winking at them, while they giggled and twirled their hair.

"Why don't you shut up and learn to take a hint?" I snapped at him. "I don't like you, Do not talk to me, and if you want to die tomorrow, all you gotta do is ask."

"The way you think you're so much better than me just proves how dense you are." he said, glaring at me.

"Funny, I was just about to say the same." I said, flicking him off.

He looked like he was about to respond, but the teacher was done with the seating plan and began her introductions.

"Well, I hope you enjoy your seating plan. It will be like this the rest of the semester, no changes." she said.

Curses! I thought. Now there's no way to get out of here.

"And for you boy-girl seating plans out there, who knows? Maybe one day you can get married to this partner in the future, or be in a romantic relationship." she teased.

Ugh! No way, not in a million years. I thought as I glared at Alan.

"Hello, class. My name is Mrs. QarroBillo, but you can call me Mrs. Q. My name is very hard to pronounce." she said, writing her name on the board.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2017 ⏰

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