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Feitan Pov

I sat in my usual corner not even caring to give the guys an explanation. Phinks told them everything. I didn't have the strength to talk to anyone nor say anything about her. Where...where?

I couldn't think right! My brain came up with problems, but not a solution. I'm mad that I don't know what to do. My speech can't even go back to normal. This whole day is very annoying. First Boss now (Y/n)! What else could go wrong?!?

"Pakunoda!", Machi yelled.

I look behind me and see Paku. She's not injured, but she seems almost at peace with herself. Humph? I wonder what's with her?

  Pakunoda Pov

Machi's the first to scream my name. I smile once she does. I can't believe how intense the room is. It's like Chrollo is the only one that can fixed this. To's too bad that this would be the last time I see these guys.

"Where's Boss?", Phinks asked. He seems disappointed more than angry. I wonder what happened why I was gone.

Nine originals.... The ones who first started the Phantom Troupe. Uvogin...gone. That makes eight. Boss...disappeared. Seven now. Then me...theirs only six originals left, but I still have eight in all. No... the ones that started the group come first...and I have just enough for six.

"Machi, Franklin, Shalnark, Feitan, Phinks and Nobunaga", I filled my gun up with six memory bullets and held it up"do you trust me?".

"Wha—",Feitan started, but was cut off by Phinks.

"WHAT!? Pakunoda what h—!".

"Phinks let her speak", Nobunaga interrupted him.

He grunts in response as he lowers his head at me.

"We trust you...Pakunoda", Sharlnark says.

"Okay", I held my pistol up and clicked it,"then this is goodbye".

The bullets fired. First one landing in Machi's head. Second in Nobunaga. Third in Phinks. And so on....

The last sight I remember was them looking at me and the pain of a dagger through my heart. I swear I think a tears fell from my eyes as everything moved slowly.

I hope I didn't cry. I didn't want them to think I'm weak even when I'm dying. I love these guys. I never intended on leaving them, but everything happens for a reason. I'll miss these idiots even in death. I'm sure I'll see them soon or later. Hopefully later.

I'll see you guys know where.

Machi Pov

Now I know why she left. I know who the chain user is. I know why she died. I wish she would have just...just stayed a little longer though.

Everything feels so unreal. But still realistic. So, so realistic.

"She's at peace... right?", I say, holding back a tear.

"If you think hell is peaceful then yeah I guess so", Phinks scoffed for a moment until he realized what he said,"umm...sorry Machi".

"Dammit!", Feitan yelled,"can anything else go wrong?".

"Lets not find out", Franklin frowned.

"What do we do now?", Shizuku asked.

"Hisoka's a traitor", Sharlnark scoffs.

(His Σx) Feitan x Reader {Phantom Troupe} Where stories live. Discover now