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Dramatic music begins to play and smoke fills the stage, you might wonder "what's going on?" Soon there's a blast of light and on the stage is....Deadpool our wonderful host! Wait what?

Deadpool walks onto the stage grabbing the mike and looks at the readers "Now I'm gonna fucking warn you now! Cursing and Twerking will be on this show so if you can't handle all this Damn sexiness then look to your right....no your other right, and scram cause shits about to go down!"

"Your damn right it is! DEADPOOL!!!"

He sweatdrops before he chuckles "well would you look at the time? I'm just gonna kick myself out before I end up not having an ass to have kicked! Bye folks! " he quickly takes off before I chase after him out the theatre.

Thor walks onto the stage and picks up the mike tapping it "Hello is thing on? Oh it seems that it is! Wonderful! Hello brothers and sisters! It is I, Thor, son of Oden, Prince of Asgard! It appears that the man who insits on being called the deadpool has enraged our Host by cutting her shirts in the most ridiculous way! So I do apologize if some of you can't handle this, not that I'm surprised"

Tony walks on stage holding a beer bottle before he scoffs at Thor "Stop insulting the audience Thor, besides I've seen Hulk send you flying into a building, and pretty sure I saw a tear pretty boy" He smirked hiccuping a bit stumbling

Thor faced Tony, growling "You dare challenge me, man of iron!?" Tony hicciped before he smirked more "Yeah I do Blondie!"........to  be continued XD i want to know if this is good or not so if anyone wants to help me then please do!)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2017 ⏰

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