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"hey changkyun wanna sleep over again tomorrow?" hoseok asked before i mentally jumped off a building.

i really didn't want to go to his house again, and watch 'white chicks' again, but what did i do? i said yes anyways.

we did the usual thing, quoting every single word of the movie.

"credit card? ID? i'm gonna have a b.f!" hoseok said while laughing as the movie played.

"oh my god! she's gonna have a bitch fit!" i said dramatically as i shoved more doritos down my throat.

"i wanna speak to your supervisor. better yet, i'm gonna write a letter. dear, mister royal hampton. i am a white woman in america–" hoseok and i said while laughing.

i glanced at the clock as it said 3:34am, hoseok decided he was gonna sleep so i decided the same.

the truth is, i think i only hang out with hoseok because i have nothing better to do. its the summer, i'm bored. i have no friends besides kihyun, but he's occupied with his horny girlfriend.

hoseoks my friend, but sometimes he's just annoying as hell. i mean, the kid will get a brand new iphone 7 from his parents without doing shit, meanwhile i could clean the entire house for ten years and my mom wouldn't even buy me a 5 dollar phone charger. tragic. and the worst part is, he lives four doors down to my apartment.

the next day i woke up at around one in the afternoon, i looked over to see hoseok who was awake folding giant paper stars.

"what're you doing?" i groaned and flipped over.

"i'm organizing and making new paper stars to sell, i'm gonna be a millionaire one day changkyun, you just wait." he said as he continued to fold the white sheet of paper.

"you're ridiculous," i croaked as i rolled my eyes and snuggled deeper into the blanket.

"you're going back to sleep? its one in the afternoon!" he said maybe a little too dramatic.

"so?" what annoyed me was is that, hoseok and i are opposites. i'm a lazy sack of marshmallows when hoseok plays sports, i hate mario kart and any competition when hoseok is the most competitive person i know. hoseok's straight, i'm gay. etc-fucking-cetera.

i checked my phone and it was a message from my mom,

can you do the laundry at 4 before i get home? i need help around the house

i sighed and sat up when hoseok tilted his head, "laundry at four." he must've saw the lines on my thighs, i mean he probably has. he just stayed quiet.

"i'll just come with you then! you can shower here."

well, fuck.

quiet • changkiWhere stories live. Discover now