Strange happenings

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Things really started going wrong a couple of years after we took Maria in. Mom got sick, and I began to suspect that something was going on between father and Maria. My suspicions were about to be proven.

Late one night, when I was supposed to be asleep, I crept down to the basement. Father's laboratory is down there. Before this, I had only been down there once...

I know father's secret. He has a laboratory deep down in the basement. I've always heard noises from down there. Animal and human screams. I always tried to ignore it, because I loved father. I couldn't believe that anything he was doing was wrong. That was a bad decision on my part. I only wish I could have known he would hurt the people I loved most...

At this time, I never got to play with any other kids. Father said that I was better off in the house, where I wouldn't be inflicted upon by horrid diseases. The only friend I had was Dio.

Dio appeared to me when I was six. I came into my room, and there was a little boy sitting on my shelf.

I was scared at first, but soon realized that he was the first other real child I had ever seen.

"Hey" he said, with a strange gleam in his enormous brown eyes. Such beautiful eyes. Why would father do this to him?...

Anyway, back to what I was saying. I had only down been there once before. I was six or seven. My mother and I were playing hide-and-seek. I couldn't find her. I had searched everywhere.

Except the basement.

Five years later, as I crept down the stairs, the same feeling shook my body. A feeling of dread, of darkness, that something was



As I neared the lab, I began to hear voices.

" you, doctor"

Was that Maria's voice?

"I shall dispose of the remaining materials myself, doctor."


A deeper voice. It was father. I leaned against the door so I could hear better.

"Yes, doctor?"

"Maria, whatever you do, I want you to always make sure Aya is safe. She is my most precious..."

The voices grew too soft to comprehend, and as I leaned right up against the door to hear, I hear a click and fell to the ground.

"Aya! What are you doing here at this hour? Didn't I tell you to stay out of the basement?!"

I cringed.

"I'm sorry, father. I couldn't sleep. Tomorrow's..."

"Yes... I know. The anniversary of her death. We'll visit her grave together."


I try to smile, but find I can't.

"Aya, get back to bed, it's too late for you to be up."

"Goodnight father."

"Goodnight Aya. I must get back to my work."

I trudged away. My mission had been unsusscefull. Nothing had be-


What in the world was that?


The sound of a chainsaw kicks in. I feel tears sting my eyes. Why does father do this. I'm in denial. I can't take it.


I scream as loud as I possibly can and hurl myself up the stairs and into my bed.

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