[Itallics - Logan's thoughts]
[Underlined Itallics -Liam]

Something was screeching next to him.

It wriggled and wormed around, making these weird noises from time to time.

Logan peered down at it from his chair.

Strange thing, isn't it? Do you know what it is?

Logan, that's called a human.

Shut up.

It was now waving its, long bony arms in front of him, screeching something yet again.

Why don't you answer it Logan?

Because I'm talking to you.

Ok then. . . I'll shut up. Why don't you try now?

"Hey! Anybody in there!" It kept waving about and clicked its fingers in his face.

He had an emotionless look on his face, whispering,
"W-what? H-h-he-hello."

It gazed at him, thrusting a hand into his shaking it vigorously, practically whispering back,
"HI! My name is Quinn! How about you?"

"Lo-Logan. W-why are y-you here?"

Quinn seemed incredibly cheerful.

How strange. . .

Shrugging her shoulders she replied, " I don't know. One minute I was with my friends camping, the next they were gone and I was getting dragged in here. . ."

Logan just squirmed around in his seat, a silence filled the room, as the girl grabbed a stone and began to hit it against her chains.

She's annoying. And absolutely fascinating.

W-what are you talking about?

Why don't we kill her first?

B-but I l-like her . . .

Yeah, and so does Mother. So we should hit her where it hurts!

But I-I don't really want too.

But we could use her to get out of here.

Logan was deep in thought, as Quinn continued making noise and failing to break her chains. He began to try and really study her, to see what makes her tick.

She had long brown hair that was tied up in a high ponytail, which framed a delicate face. Her eyes were deep hazel, borng into your soul. She was skinny but tall, and a wide smile seemed to constantly decorate her face. A grin like the Cheshire Cat had.

And once again, as she was occupied with breaking her chains, and Logan was speaking to Liam, as his hand moved to pick up the sharp blade once again.

Keep sawing. . .

Go away!

But I'm the only one that can keep you company here. She can't.

It doesn't matter. I like her.

I want my turn.

Y-y-your t-turn? What are you talking about?

Well then. If you don't know . . .

et's change this up a bit. Why don't we play a game?

And randomly the words seemed to spill out of Logan's mouth.

"W-why don't we play a game?"
He sounded much more confident than before. The words were definitely coming out of his mouth, but didn't sound like him.

Quinn quickly turned around to face him. He held up the knife, a strange grin crossing his face.

"We could cut the chains."

What are y-you doing?!

I have a plan. To play a little game. To get my turn.

He was sawing furiously at the chain, and slowly it snapped off.

Wobbling, he got out of the chains and over to Quinn, quickly sawing her chains off.

It's nearly nightime. She'll b-be
b-b-back. We won't be able to get out.

This is good . . .
Makes the game all the more fun.

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