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I remember the day we met: we were the first ones who arrived to this foreign city and you agreed on going for a beer with me by the old town. I waited for you 20 minutes because you got lost somehow, you said a bunch of “I’m sorry’s” when you spotted me outside the bar. Your cheeks were still red as we read through the menu, to my surprise you ordered in the local language. I asked you if you were fluid on it, and you said “just a bit”, trying to downplay it. You gave that answer to everyone even though you were capable of having a full conversation with any local.

We took a picture that day, our first picture, but I think I have lost it.

We had 2 courses together, and I enjoyed them both the most.

I miss the way I could focus on class just by having you seated by my side.

I miss how you stayed inside the classroom during the breaks, but for the lunch break you were the first one to leave because you were always starving.

I miss how surprised you were every time I asked you “what do you want to eat for lunch?”, as if you didn’t think anyone would invite you to have lunch with them.

I miss your grateful smile every time.

I miss how you would wake up 30 minutes before class and managed to get on time and with something to eat for breakfast.

I miss the way you always wanted to eat cheap food to save up for your trips.

I miss how you texted me asking if I had already gone to the supermarket, so that we could go together.

I miss how you were always trying to spend just 20 euros weekly in groceries, but instead of buying meat you would buy chips or a big nutella jar just because you felt like it.

I miss how you loved to go out almost every night and buy the same cheap wine to get drunk.

I miss when you stopped wearing makeup to university because you wanted to fit among the girls that barely used it. Although you used to complain because they looked perfect with or without it, according to you anyways.

I miss how your face lightened up when I invited you to your first dorm party.

I miss how you would spend quite a time getting ready for a party and then felt overdressed, but you were the most beautiful person in the room as always.

I miss how you would invite me over, or invite yourself over, whenever you were bored.

I miss how you liked to walk everywhere to avoid buying the bus ticket.

I miss how you would enjoy feeling the freezing cold air on your face or the white snow beneath your boots.

I miss your face when you encountered the snow for the first time in your life, you looked like a kid who had just received the greatest present ever.

I miss how you used to called me whenever it was snowing, so that we went out to play.

I miss the first time we went hiking and you end up hugging a rock because you were afraid of falling.

I miss your uncontrollable laugh.

I miss how you loved to take pictures of the landscapes every time you got the chance.

I miss how you would get a little shy when taking those pictures because you didn’t want to feel and look like a tourist. But you couldn’t help it.

I miss walking by the river with you.

I miss watching your hair dance to the rhythm of the wind and having your fragrance fill my nostrils.

I miss how you were always talking to yourself in the local language.

I miss your face when you told me how handsome you flatmate’s brother was, and how you didn’t want to do anything about it because you were sure you weren’t his type.

I miss how excited and confused you were after your first one night stand, and how you said that you weren’t made to do that because you were thinking of the guy for a whole week.

I miss how excited you were every time he texted you, like a kid on Christmas morning, you even changed the fucking ringtone just to know when it was a text from him.

I miss how excited you were every time you get to go travelling and how you were always late for the bus or train.

I miss your late night posts on facebook about how great was the city you were visiting at the moment. Even when you shared a little bit of history about it.

I miss how you always told an anecdote in the form of a story, I can listen to you for hours.

I miss your daily voice messages when you were travelling, I swear I could see myself in those cities with you.

I miss how you used to look at all the men passing by and find a physical characteristic that made them attractive in some way.

I miss that day in January when you told me MY attractive characteristic, and how you laughed at me because my cheeks were burning.

I miss the small lies that you would say to make you look less clumsy in front of everyone but me. I was the only one who knew you from head to toe, and I was proud of it.

I miss your sad face when you realise that you liked a guy but it was too late to start something, because you were leaving in less than 2 weeks.

I miss how you would look at the sky and think that you were never going to see it again.

I miss that melancholic look you gave the city in our last hike, your eyes were shinier than usual but you never cried.

I miss that last sad smile I saw, when you told me you were going to meet him for the last time.

I regret not being able to drop you off at the bus station that last morning.

I regret not having given you a last hug, my arms twitch at the thought.

I miss having you around.

I always thought you were the one that needed me because of your lack of self confidence and clumsiness, but turns out I’m the one who need you the most.

I can’t wait to see that big ass hometown of yours in December ;)


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