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After Mato told us what place we were in we walked into the area he told us to and we were all ashamed/mad " WHAT THE HELL" Natsu yelled as he puched the wall " Calm down flame brain " Gray said to Natsu as they started to fight and a man started to call the teams who had made it through and I got agervated because Gray and Natsu wouldnt shut up "SHUT THE FUCK UP IDIOTS" I said trying to hear the teams as he says FairyTail we walk out of the place we were in out to the arena Natsu puts his arm up in the air and every one starts to boo at us "oh no..... This is embarrising can we go home now" I say and put my head down and they start calling all the teams out and then they call out the top 2 teams " FAIRY TAIL TEAM B" the man says as the whole crowd questions about the 2 teams " JESIKA IS THAT YOU!!!!" I yell to Jesika "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU HERE" Natsu yells at Gajeel "ITS BECAUSE IM BETTER THAN YOU" Gajeel yells back at Natsu " Shut the fuck up pussys" I say as I walk up to them and knock them out "WHATS THE NEXT TEAM" I yell to the man anoucing the teams "oh yea..'cough'.. SAAAAAABER TOOOOOOOTH" the crowd goes wild as they walk out I just stare at Sting not breaking eye contact "Your gonna lose sting" I say to sting as he just stares as I walk away and pick Gajeel and Natsu up and take them with me back to the area we started in 

Jesika P.O.V

"IM SOOOO PUMPED RIGHT NOW"I yell in excitment "In this game you have to chose a person in your team to play so START PICKEN AWAY" the man says "OOOOHHHH ME ME MEMMEMEMEMMEMMEMEMEME" I yell with my hand raised "im gonna do it" I say as I walk off to the middle 'wow Gray is in ill beat his ass :D' I think to myself "THE GAME WILL START IN 5.....4....3.....2......1 " the man says  (PLAY MUSIC NOW) A town begins to appear out of no where and tons of clones appear "" I say im guessing we cant touch them at all OH!!! its like hide and seek "HERES A TRICK I LEARNED MAGIC VOICE FIND" music notes go every where finding people for me "Hey Gray" I say and I gut punch him then I follow another one "Oh I found a Raven" I say as I kick him in the head "hehe your out"I say making the crowd go wild as sabertooths 'masked mage' Rufus finds me and I try to hit him but he doges it and touches my back "SHIIIIIIT ..... well done you actually got me" I tell him with a smile and I respon some where random "woah what the hell its so c-c-cold" I say trying to figure out whats going on Eve jumps at me and tags me "Good one Eve" I say and smile at him as I respon I see Beth with Gray I run behind her and flip her from behind "Sorry Beth" I say to her "But I will win" I say as I run at Gray and knee him in the face "HA IN YOUR FACE" then the Raven gets me from behind "ive never liked you anyway" I say to him I respon once again and Rufus is useing his memory magic "Well shit im out" i say as his magic gets me.....


(y/n) Dragneel sting X readerWhere stories live. Discover now