Part 3

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Y/n: created a chat
Y/n : invited the Avengers +Loki
Y/n: ultrasound today yay
Loki: yess
Tony logged on
Tony : what's with momma bear screaming this time
Loki: today is the ultrasound for our baby
Natasha: can I come please Loki
Loki: yes natasha come if you like you can bring your bf with u 😏
Clint logged on with  kelsey
Clint: sure we will come to the ultrasound what about you kelsey
Natasha: kelsey you there
Kelsey logged on
Kelsey: oh ah sorry just bad memories came back to me hey Loki hi y/n
Playboy has logged
Playboy: hey  what's up oh Loki y/n your ultrasound is today
Y/n: yea come on Loki clint kelsey and natasha
Natasha,kelsey,clint and Loki : kk
3 hours later
Y/n: yes twins 1 boy 1 girl
Tony: wait twins 1boy and 1girl noooooooo a mini Loki and mini assassin noooooooo
Y/n: good luck you will be seliand with a mini me
Tony: meep
Loki: hahahahaha lucky me I guess
Y/n: kelsey  you on
Natasha: kelsey my little widow
Clint: kelsey my little archer
Bucky logged on
Kelsey: ahhhhhhhhhhh it's him get him away he killed my real parents
Kelsey logged off running away to hide
Natasha: I will go check on her bucky your a dead man
Natasha logged off to check on kelsey
Bucky logged off a shamed
Clint: great my adoptive daughter is emotional thanks alot Bucky
Steve: in his defense it was not his fault it was Hydra's fault
Clint: shut up steve your friend killed my adoptive daughters real parents
Clint logged off
Tony: your friend is a killer he not only killed my parents but Kelsey's too bye
Tony logged off
Avengers logged off +Loki and y/n logged off

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