The Time You Broke My Gate And Then A Few Of My Bones

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It's the middle of May and the sun is already so hot that I could swear I was melting.

Patrick hated it just ad much as me. He'd grown his hair out over the fall and winter and right now I could tell he was regretting that.

"Pete, I'm dying." He says, both of us sprawled out in the grass outside my house that we stupidly locked ourselves out of while the rest of my family were out doing something that neither of us wished to be a part of.

I'd gotten much better with doing all the annoying rich people stuff though, as long as Patrick was involved that is.

"I should've taught Hemmy how to unlock doors." I pant. I could barely catch my breath just laying here.

"Agreed." Patrick's head falls to look at me.

"Hey, your house must have air conditioning right?" I ask, looking over into his blue eyes.

"Yeah! It does! Why didn't I think of that? What the hell?" He sits up and as do I.

We get up after a bit and go over to the gate. My family got a new one after a break in destroyed the other one, now it had a bunch of buttons and codes and shit that I didn't know how to work.

"It's not doing anything." I frown after hitting a bunch of the buttons and nothing happened.

Patrick places a hand on the top of it and jerks back, "It's so hot! Maybe it's overheated?" Patrick offers, "Pour water on it or something to cool it down?" He says as more of a question than a statement.

"Won't that break it?" I speak skeptically and Patrick just gives me a shrug in reply, "You sure are helpful." I grunt and make my way to the lake. I find a mug on the table out back and I rinse it in the water a bit before taking it to the gate mechanism and pouring the water on it.

It makes a weird sound and starts to smoke, the screen going blank and messing up. I turn to Patrick who has a sheepish half-smile on his face.

"Sorry?" He gives and I sigh.

"Aren't you supposed to be smart or something?" I sigh.

"So are you but, you're not." Patrick retorts.

"Why am I in love with you again?" I huff, pulling out my phone to inform my mother that they probably won't be able to get in.

"I don't know why you love me, you just do." He grabs my hand and pulls me towards the tire swing.

We hop the gate and make our way to air conditioning.

"What are you boys doing here? I thought Patrick was staying with you while your parents went away for the day?" Mom is taken off guard by Patrick and I coming over.

"We got locked out and broke the gate." I glare at Patrick for the last part of that sentence.

Mom chuckles, "How did you manage to do either of those things?"

"I locked the doors to the house when we went out on the boat because I'm paranoid and well... The keys... Fell... into the lake." I hum, glancing at Patrick as our faces turn red from my explanation, "And then Patrick suggested we pour water on the gates controls to make it cool down ... It didn't work."

"Hey! I was trying to help! You're the genius that actually poured the water on it!" He slams his shoulder onto me and I stumble.

"I'm blaming you because you're supposed to be smarter than me." I reply.

"You got a personal tutor and you're dumber than me!" He tosses his hands in the air, "Go sit outside as punishment for being an asshole." He points at the door and I shake my head. By this point mom went back to rearranging the kitchen cabinets.

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