Day 1 - Sparkly Things/Gemstones

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Title: One Year Later

Pairing(s): Kallura

Rating: Gen

Allura was excited. As well as marking one year since Zarkon's defeat, tomorrow marked her's and Keith's first year anniversary. She'd never had a first year anniversary before and she wasn't entirely sure what they should do to celebrate. She and Keith had discussed what to do for the past few weeks, but they hadn't managed to decide anything.

Allura frowned. What to do, what to do. Hmmm, what was it that Lance had said, when he'd overheard their discussion? Something about giving each other gifts? That did sound like a good idea, but what would Keith like? She laid back on her bed and sighed. Why was this so hard?

She looked over at the mice on her pillow. "What do you guys think?"

"Squeak. Squeak." Chuchule squeaked.

"Ask Shiro? Hmm, it's worth a shot I suppose. Let's go see if he's in his room."

Once she reached Shiro's room she knocked on the door. "Shiro, are you in here? It's Allura."

"Yeah, hang on let me open the door." Shiro called back. "What can I help you with, Princess?" he asked, once the door was open.

"I'm not sure what to get Keith for our anniversary, I was wondering if you'd have an idea?"

"You know what, I think I know of just the thing."

As she approached their meeting place Allura started to feel anxious. What if he didn't like the gift she'd gotten him? Yeah, Shiro had told her that Keith would, but what if he didn't? What would she do then? Allura shook her head. 'Stop focusing on the negative, Allura. Today is suppose to be full of positivity!'

The place they were meeting was a meadow on Arus. They thought it was fitting to celebrate here since it was the place they first met. It wasn't long before the meadow came into view and she could see Red and Keith already waiting for her.

As she exited the shuttle Keith went over to her and greeted her with a kiss.

"Happy anniversary, Princess." he said.

Allura giggled. "Happy anniversary, Paladin." she replied. "I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long?"

"You didn't. Me and Red arrived just seconds before you did."

"That's good. Now what are we going to do first? Eat first and then open our gifts or open our gifts now and eat afterwards?"

"Hmm, as tempting as the latter is I think we should go with the former. I haven't had a lot to eat today."

Allura frowned. "Why not?"

Keith shrugged. "Nerves, I suppose."

"Alright, let's go eat."

After they had eaten both Allura and Keith stood and went back to their separate vehicles to get each other's gift.

As Keith exited Red he saw Allura already waiting with his gift. The gift she'd gotten him was quite large and was hidden under a tarp. 'What the...'

"That's mine?" he asked, pointing towards the tarp covered object.

Allura nodded. "Yeah, it is! I really hope you like it."

"I'm sure I will." he replied.

As he pulled the tarp off of the object Keith gasped. "What..." It was his red hoverbike.

"It took sometime to locate, but, well do you like it?"

"Like it? I love it! Thank you Allura. Now, time for your gift. Here." he said handing her a box that had been neatly wrapped in purple wrapping paper.

After she got the wrapping paper off, Allura opened the box to reveal a curved knife with a gemstone encrusted handle. "Keith...this is"

"You like it?"

"I absolutely love it." she replied before kissing Keith. "How did you manage to get something like this?"

"Hunk and Shay helped."

"Those are...?"

"Yes, they're Balmeran crystals."

"Whoa." Allura giggled. "Well we've certainly set the bar far too high for our next anniversary huh."

Keith smiled. "Yeah, we really have."

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