1. Kayden Bittle & the Boys

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"Hey Kay!"

"Ayy Little Bittle!"



A chorus of the usual male hoots and hollers greeted me as I sat down at my usual lunch table, along with the usual eye rolls from by standing females. Keep the emphasis on the 'usual' though. I was completely used to this. This was my life.

My four best friends in the entire world are guys. They also just so happen to be the hottest guys at Trescott High, but not according to me. (Although, I half heartedly agree.) (They'll never know that, though.)

I've known the crazy four since I was seven. I met them on the playground, (isn't that how you meet all your friends when you're seven?) and the rest is history. It's history that I have to deal with every day.

So, needless to say, my whole life has been plagued with gross burps, and even grosser looks from girls.

I sat down, greeting my best friends. "Hi whackos, how goes it?"

"Kayden Bittle, you are late to lunch!" Trevor, the oldest of us, greeted to me in a father-sounding stern voice. I raised an eyebrow.

"Um, okay?" I questioned as I moved a piece of my long, annoying, ginger hair out of my face. "That's a problem now because...?" I was late to lunch practically every day. My class preceding it, Geometry, was on the other side of the school.

"Because!" Trevor scoffed. "I have something very important to tell you!" I exchanged a look with Jayce, who was seated next to Trevor, who just shrugged unknowingly. I rolled my eyes and opened my lunch. I unwrapped a tuna salad sandwich.

"And it couldn't wait the... oh... five extra minutes it took me to get here?" I stated a bit harsher than I intended. Trevor pretended to be hurt, but I could tell he wasn't. Although he's the oldest, he never takes anything seriously. He ran a hand through his black hair before slamming his hand on the desk in mock-agitation.

"Yanno what Kay? It couldn't! It couldn't even wait an extra second, I'm that excited. Plus.. I figured that you'd enjoy that you were... right for once..." he trailed off before slouching. I perked up, turning towards Aaron and Dylan who were seated next to me.

Dylan eyed me. "Wait is that tuna salad?" He mumbled, chomping on his school bought, trayed lunch.

"Dylan! Stop mooching! Guys! GUYS!" I looked at Jayce, too. "DID YOU HEAR THAT?? Trevor Linds just said that I, Kayden Bittle, was RIGHT!" Dylan rolled his eyes at me, Aaron chuckled to himself, and Jayce looked at me like I was crazy. "Don't look at me like that, Jay, it is a big deal!" He laughed. Score! Making Jayce laugh was like moving a mountain. He was definitely the more serious and quiet of the group. He's the opposite of Trevor. That is, until you whipped out a video game. He doesn't seem like a gamer, but he's a hardcore nerd when it comes to that stuff and music. Two things you couldn't get Jayce to shut up about: controllers and guitars.

I turned back to Trevor, who looked annoyed.

"Whatever Kay."

"Wait!" He had attempted to say something to Jayce, but he locked eyes with me again. "What was I right about?" I asked. Aaron and Dylan leaned forward slightly, showing a bit of curiosity.

You could tell he was fighting it back, but eventually Trevor let loose an ear to ear smile. His green eyes gleamed. "Mel Hastin? Totally likes me." I clapped my hands together, delighted.

"Awww!" I shrieked. "Trevor, that's adorable." He blushed the tiniest bit, which only made my heart melt more. Trevor rarely fell for girls, while  Dylan and Jayce were total players. Dylan let out a fake gag, which got a laugh out of Aaron and a smirk from Jayce. I think Trevor was too smitten to notice. "How did you find out? Oh and, you probably saw this coming but, I totally told you so," I added. Trevor rolled his eyes.

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