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I think this photo might be the new cover since I don't like the one we have now

After what happened to what was Apparently an all night experience., me and Alexis turned out as best friends, we got to know both of each other and the more I think about it I still don't smell her mate on my nose.....I hope she finds him, he must be in a different pack....
Walking around the pack house I see a garden and I see my mom's favorite flowers.......MOM!! I run towards my car Ryan got me and drive twards my house in my mustang gt 5.0. once I get there I beep my horn playfully not knowing who I was and tearing up a little big at my dad opened the door
... We staired at each other for a while when my mom looked over dad's shoulder she came and hugged my with arms open. Enjoying the hug. She slapped me.
" Oww mom what the fu-" I was cut off
" how dare you no visit for a week and not even contact your mate your leaving, I don't even smell him on you....I mean I do but no goodbye hugs or anything, not even a kiss" she said the last part willing her eye brows while I cringe.....Oh god. " Hey dad wanna go out to eat I'm hungry" I said looked at him while he smirked
" Hi hungry I'm dad" he said " dad please I'm serious I wanna go over the week with you" I said grounding " " I thought your name was hungry" my dad said as I made a perfect straight face -_-
"Are you serious" I said
"No I'm dad........" He said bursting out laughing while unlocking the car grabbing his keys from his pocket
"Ugggrrrr.....YAY" I than told Harley to contact Ryan's wolf.
'alrady done' she said as soon as I thought of Ryan
'god what your would I do without you ' I said sighing honestly having no idea..... Than I saw Ryan's car come I to the driveway. Oh grate I can't have a family dinner with my parents without being watched over by the god him self....
" hi I'm hungry to " Ryan said hugging my dad.....Oh grate my mate and my dad are friends
" your hungry to...ok well I'm dad" the said looking at me while I got I'm the car
" Ok dad please we understand " I said jokingly laughing
"Oh hi dad, I'm hungry" Ryan said getting in the back and of course scoots over to me as I see the house fade away when my parents did technically kick me out but I'm over it, I haven't even realized it's been a week since I've been gone, god I dint even notice.
Well were together now so...
We made our way into the restaurant witch was sea food. And my city has the best sea food in the united States so it was amazing, after we were done we talked for a while going home, me and my mom were screaming my favorite song while she dint know the lyres but she likes getting on peoples nerves. (Song above btw). She. We got home me and ryan took both our cars home Separate and when we got home we watched Netflix ( 13 reason why anyone) and cuddled close addicted to the pleasure of sparks between us. Then we fell asleep on the couch

Ok so yeah I've been thinking of a new cover so I came up with this

and I love it, tell me what you think in the comments below and subscribe to my YouTube channel ' SSDarkNightWolf ' I do speed paint and possibly start doing blogs enjoy

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and I love it, tell me what you think in the comments below and subscribe to my YouTube channel
' SSDarkNightWolf ' I do speed paint and possibly start doing blogs enjoy

Also really cool movie😍 here serenity sorry I messed it up for you and jayden and possibly everyone else, when you watch the video you will know what I'm talking about
Sorry for everyone else confused

Also really cool movie😍 here serenity sorry I messed it up for you and jayden and possibly everyone else, when you watch the video you will know what I'm talking aboutSorry for everyone else confused xXAliceIsCreepyXx

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🎥 IT - Official Trailer 1
Under now

Suffer  jk logang paulerd for life

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