Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone

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Daring Do stood at the entrance to the central temple chamber. At last, Daring Do was face-to-face with the legendary sapphire statue!

She stepped forward, just about putting her hoof down on some tile that had different animals on them. She scanned them carefully. She saw holes in the wall, and looked beside her. There was a stone. She kicked it, sending it across the room, landing on one of the tiles. Arrows shot out of the holes in the wall and landed on the other side, piercing the wall.

Daring Do flinched and looked at the tiles of animals on the floor. She scanned the cautiously. She rubbed her chin. "Hmm, there must be some sort of pattern here." Daring Do began. "What do all the animals have in common?" she scanned them more intently. "AHA! These animals are all predators! Except..." she began, searching the board. "rats!' she finished, taking a chance.

She stepped on the tile of a rat in front of her, and it held still, no arrows. Daring Do, full of confidence, hopped from tile to tile, only stepping on those with rats. Finally, she landed safely in front of the podium that the statue sat on.

She walked up the stairs, and prepared to grab the statue.

(Soo sorry that it's short.)

Daring Do and the Quest For the Sapphire StoneWhere stories live. Discover now