Chapter 16

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Keith could feel the air gradually becoming cooler. It was definitely cold, but it was tolerable, especially with Lance's warmth against him. The crisp air was fighting to get under the blanket with them, so Keith pulled it tighter around them. He noticed Lance had fallen asleep again, snoring softly, and shivering. Keith really didn't want to move, but he couldn't let Lance freeze, so he sat up slowly, far enough to grab the second blanket from the end of the bed. He tossed it on top of them, adjusting it properly, before settling back down next to Lance. The new warmth was comforting, filling him up, and pushing out the cold shivers.

The red and blue glow sticks were still shining brightly in the cozy little blanket tent. The tent made it feel like the world was so small and simple, with no problems or worries, and that he and Lance were the only two people in it.

A ringing noise disrupted Keith's thoughts, and he reluctantly reached for his phone. It was a group call, and he pressed his thumb against the answer button. The footage of the others appeared on his screen, and in the top corner he could see himself moving in real time, and next to him, a sleeping Lance. Oh no, he had forgotten he and Lance were cuddling because of the cold, and he hoped no one else noticed.

"Hey, Keith." Shiro greeted.

"Hi." He responded, brushing some of his bangs off his face.

"Coran and I have the castle back up and running, so it should be getting warmer soon." Pidge said. "Wait, is that Lance next to you?Oh my god, You guys have been sleeping in the same bed this whole time?! You two must be getting along pretty well." Pidge smirked.

"Pidge..." Keith huffed. "Fine, yeah we are both sleeping on the bed, but that's because there is only one, and we both hate sleeping on the floor, so..." Keith shrugged, forgetting Lance's head was resting on his shoulder. He felt Lance shift against him, yawing.

"What time is it?" Lance asked, rubbing his eyes.

"You've been asleep for like ten minutes. The castle is fixed up." Keith replied.

"OK, then I'm gonna go back to sleep..." Lance murmured, wrapping his arms around Keith, and resting his head back on Keith's shoulder. Keith blushed madly, knowing everyone was watching this all play out. Its not like he and Lance were  dating, or anything close to it for that matter, but its not like that fact alone would keep the others from assuming.

"So, Keith," Pidge said, snapping his attention away from Lance's face, and back to the screen. "Care to explain?" She asked with a smirk.

"I swear, its not what it looks like. It's still cold in here and-and he's tired, and I-I don't know. OK? Are you sure the castle is fixed because the temp keeps dropping and I swear I'm going to freeze to death." He spat out.

"The castle is definitely back online, I'll come check on you guys and see what's wrong." Shiro said, hanging up before anyone could protest.

"I'll check that everything is working but I'm pretty sure it is." Pidge looked away from the camera, typing something on another device.

"Hey, you should probably wake up Lance, in case it really does get too cold." Hunk suggested.

"OK, I'm gonna hang up now." He pressed the end call button, and tossed his phone on the bed. He turned a bit so he could shake Lance awake.

"Hmm?" Lance murmured, half asleep. "Five more minutes, babe, please."

"Babe? No, Lance, it's me, Keith. Wake up." Keith nudged Lance again, trying to awake the boy from his half asleep state.

"Keith, babe, let me sleep, I'm tired..." Lance trailed off as he nodded off. Keith blushed, as Lance called him babe for the second time. Not to mention, he had acknowledged that he was talking to Keith and not some other imagined person.

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