Find Liza pt.3

978 28 9

Davids POV

I ran to Alex's cabin and knocked on the door
D:hey Alex

A:um hi David
I heard low screams coming from his bathroom
D:hey Alex can I use your bathroom maybe

A:right now is not a good time
I heard crying also coming from his bathroom so I texted Zane and Gabbie to come here
D:um dude I really got to go

Z:oh hey Alex can we come in

A:um it's not a good time
We all heard a mumbled scream and Gabbie pushed Alex out of the way
G:David go
I ran to the bathroom and tried to open the door it was locked I heard more screaming I kick the door until it fell and I saw

ANOTHER CLIFFHANGER MUHAHAHHAHA. I'm about to update again don't get mad but like yeah so talk to y'all when I update again A.K.A the next few minutes

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