It Happens in Just Seconds

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It was a beautiful morning in Hawaii, the birds are screeching, flowers are dying, and storms are happening.  But then the next day, it's all gone ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Jazlyn, a young girl who lived in Hawaii.  She has a playful spirit, and energetic personality.  Her hobbies were watching romance school animes and listening to Korean Pop music, also known as K-Pop.  One day, while she was outside her porch reading an anime manga of Tsuki Ga Kirei, she noticed a strange white van, pulling into her neighbor's driveway.  As she was watching, she noticed a boy who she has never seen before.

When the van parked, the boy jumped out from inside the van, and shouted, "our new house!".  The boy then started to take a tour on the street, until he tripped off a 4 millimeter pebble on the sidewalk, and landed on Jazlyn's front yard.  Jazlyn stood up, and ran to him to ask if the boy was okay.  The boy then stood up before she had gotten to him, and said "sup dawg the name's Kaz, but you can call me Kaz".  They both then stared at each other for 2 WHOLE SECONDS, and they both walk away.  Within those 2 precious seconds, Jazlyn blushes, both physically and in her mind, as she had already fallen in love with the new neighbor, Kaz.  While Kaz was walking away, he was confused, why and how he even tripped over a 4 millimeter pebble on the sidewalk, but then it came to his mind, that he had already fallen in love with the girl he had just met.  Kaz then thought in his mind, "two seconds is all I need".

Throughout the night, Jazlyn had trouble falling asleep, as she was thinking about Kaz, and how everything about him was so "dreamy" (pun intended), the ripped up Egyptian leather shorts, the yellow teeth, and the 2005 Nikes shoes he was wearing.  "Oh the features of Kaz can be so cute" she thought to herself.  Kaz on the other hand, had trouble sleeping as well, still trying to figure out how the heck he tripped, and how amazingly beautiful the girl, Jazlyn, he met was, the Japanese T-shirt with Chinese writing on it and the glow in the dark sketcher shoes she had on.  Later that night, they both made a commitment, where they would do whatever it takes to have the other person in their life for all of eternity.....  and all of this stuff happened within one day.

The next day, Kaz walked outside and saw Jazlyn talking to another boy who lived on the street named Josh.  Kaz panicked, as he didn't want Jazlyn to fall in love with anyone else.  He ran up to them, and shouted "he's gay".  The other boy Josh got super triggered, and beat the crap out of Kaz.  Jazlyn clearly knew that Kaz felt the same way.  She was happy, and introduced herself to Kaz while he was getting kicked everywhere on him.  She said, "Hey Kaz, I'm Jazlyn, but you can call me Jaz".  Then, uh.. blah blah blah stuff happened blah blah blah okay so..

THE NEXT DAY, Jazlyn walked outside and saw Kaz talking to another girl who loved on the street named Ashley.  Jazlyn panicked, as she didn't want Kaz to fall in love with another girl, including her own friend Ashley.  She couldn't think what to do to stop him, then it came to her that she should shout something fake, like what Kaz shouted about Josh that was fake.  She quickly ran up to them and shouted, "Ethan likes you Ashley!!".  The other neighbor, Ashley, then turns around at Jazlyn, and shouts back, "KAZLYN!".  Jazlyn was so nervous that she said a ship name of both her and Kaz.  She ran back to her house, sobbing for 3 WHOLE SECONDS, WHOA!!!!!!!

After crying for not even a minute, she stands back up, and walks to Kaz to confess, but right before she could say anything, she hears Kaz from a distance saying, "I love Jaz!", she then gets excited and runs up to Kaz, jumping on top of him saying "I love you too".  But little did she know, Kaz meant that he likes the music genre "Jaz".  Kaz then realizes that she liked him back the entire time, and asks her out on a date.

Kaz and Jazlyn then get together, as Kaz was Jazlyn's future pop model, and Jazlyn was Kaz's future waifu.

and then...


Imagine, the story of two young kids, who fall in love with each other after seeing each other for 20 seconds.

As the sun sets, after their date, Kaz gives Jazlyn a big hug, as if he's holding a body pillow, and Jazlyn accepts the big hug, as if she used Charmin Ultra Soft toilet paper to wrap herself in, because those things are seriously SUPER SOFT.  They were meant for each other.

But then, Jazlyn wakes up, it was all just a dream, which explains the complete unrealism of this story, like seriously, who even wrote this fanfiction?

So Kazlyn never happened YET.  BUT THEN!!!!!  Kaz appears in real life, and immediately falls in love.  Then they live (or in this case, date), happily ever after.  Yup, Kazlyn happened in the end!  Don't think I was gonna let it slide off ;)

Story Planned by: TAG and SATOSHI

Dedicated to: Kaz and Jazlyn, aka Kazlyn, cuz it'll happen ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

THE END (for now he he)

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