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He eyed the mortal before him. Ridiculously long blonde hair that pooled around her feet; Wide green eyes, the telltale sign of magic, peering out from behind thick glasses; A worn purple sweater that was almost two sizes too large for her small frame, and sweatpants...

He was not impressed.


Rapunzel gaped at him for a moment, stunned by his clearly human-like appearance. He - It? - did not look like the demons that were drawn inside the book, but there was no mistaking the aura of magic that seemed to crackle the air around him.

Just like how there was no mistaking the clearly condescending look on the demon's face.

She pressed her lips together firmly, clearing her throat. She was a witch, she had just summoned this demon, and she was in control. "My name is Rapunzel," She said, channeling her best impression of an unimpressed Gothel - that woman's glare could melt rock. "I need you to grant some wishes for me. I wish-"

The demon interrupted her with a snort, eyeing her with disdain. "Sorry, but no, that's not how it works, sweetheart." He drawled.


"See, I am a High Demon, and the rules work a little different for me and the Lower Demona that you seemed to be expecting." He said as he glanced at the summoning circle of runes around his feet. "In other words, your little circle here, isn't completely binding on me. Sure, you can summon and keep me stuck here, but you can't make me do something for you."


Rapunzel stared at him. "Please tell me you're joking."

"I would, mistress," he hissed mockingly, which made her blood boil. "But that would be lying."

"I used up all my summoning charms on you!" She yelled in frustration.

"Too bad." He yawned, sitting down. "Hey, got any cup noodles?"

"Do I look like I have cup noodles- Why do you want cup noodles???" She asked, clearly exasperated. "You're a High Demon, you don't even eat!"

"Correction: I don't need to eat." He said. "And well, since you look like you don't have much money, I thought it would be the option more likely to be available. I mean, come on, isn't it the food of broke, sleep deprived college students like you?"

"I'm not a college student."

"What do you have, then?"

"Expired bread. And two bottles of water."

"Well, that's just sad." he said. "Ever heard of grocery shopping? Convenience stores? Pizza delivery?"

Rapunzel pressed her fingertips to her temples, willing herself not to lose her calm. "See that door over there? It's locked tight so I can't leave the apartment. Jumping out the window is out of the question, because I may be many things but I'm not suicidal enough to leap out a 16th floor window."

He gave her a flat stare. "You have magic. Use it."

"If that worked, do you really think I would have summoned you?"

"Given how you mortals can be, I wouldn't be surprised." he said, flicking a finger at the door. To his surprise, the spell rebounded off the door. "Oh."

"Yeah. Magically sealed, courtesy of Mother Gothel." Rapunzel growled, scowling at the door.

"Gothel? Wait, what are you doing in the Shadow Witch's house?" He asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2017 ⏰

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