Chapter 11

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I wake to the sun blinding me through a gap in my curtain. I then realise what today is. Disney day.
I smile to myself and run to go and wake Shannon. 'SHANNON!' 'Yeah?' A sleepy Shannon answers.
'ITS DISNEY DAYY!' I squeal. An excited Shannon leaps from her bed and instantly starts picking an outfit to wear. She ends up picking this.

Paired with minnie mouse ears and i choose out my outfit

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Paired with minnie mouse ears and i choose out my outfit.

Paired with minnie mouse ears and i choose out my outfit

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Also paired with minnie mouse ears. Then i grab my phone and start to text Devan.

Lauren: hey, you up? x
Devan: I am now. X
Lauren: oops, sorry. You know what today is?! x
Lauren: yep! im so excited! x
Devan: me too x
Lauren: i also have news about your brother and Shannon!
Devan: yeah? what is it?
Lauren: i found out that Shannon likes Collins so we have to get them to tell eachother later today!
Devan: yes!
Lauren: ok well speak to you later, gotta get ready. Love you xx
Devan: love you too xx


*1 hour later*

we hear people laughing down the corridor. shortly after we hear a knock on the hotel room. i run to the door and open it. Stood there is collins, wearing a black top with white writing, jeans and trainer and Devan, wearing a white sweater with red writing and black jeans, also with trainers. Collins jokes about saying that me and Shannon look like little kids, not 17 year olds in our Disney clothing and Minnie mouse ears and we all laugh. Then we all get in the car and drive to The Magic Kingdom.

*when we arrive  at the entrance*

we get on a tram and make our way through the security. then we stop and i ask, 'so shall we take the monorail or boat to The Magic Kingdom?' we all decide on the boat and we look at the sights as we cross over the lake to my favourite place ever.

when we enter the park, Me and Shannon squeal as we turn the corner to spot the castle. This is our first time here and we couldn't be more excited! we go through the busy crowd of Main Street U.S.A and we all grab some pictures by the castle, doing poses, pretending to be princesses and goofing about. then we decide to get some candy floss as we are hungry. we queue up and pay for our pink cloud- like candy floss. Devan and i sit eating our candy floss and we  look over to spot Collins and Shannon laughing and messing about. Then we watch as Shannon yeets the candy floss at Collins and it hits him. Then Collins chases Shannon and when he catches her, he lifts her up and spins her, before putting her down and laughing.

once we had eaten we go and start looking for splash mountain. we all share our excitement, but Devan walks silently. I turn to him and ask 'are you excited to go on splash mountain?'. He doesn't reply. Then when we reach the entrance Devan stops and we all turn to face him. 'you three go, ill stay here and... hold the bags.' collins raises an eyebrow and replies with 'bro.. dont be a wimp. it will be fun, trust'. Before he has a chance to answer we drag him through the entrance and into the queue. 'Guys you can let go of me now, im not going to be able to escape.

soon we reach the front of the queue. I push Devan into his seat and Collins and Shannon sit behind us. We set off around the course of the water ride and we start off with a small drop that already had Devan shrieking (and the rest of us laughing). Then We come into a slow part where the songs from the movie play and characters dance. Then comes the big 50ft drop. We rise slowly and I feel Devan grab hold of my arm in fear. Then I watch as we reach the top and his eyes close in fright. Then we drop. All we can hear is Devan screaming and us all laughing with joy. Then we finished the ride and got of, a pale looking Devan following behind. Collins and Shannon race off to see our picture and I stay back with Devan, holding his hand and making sure he's ok. Then we head off to see our picture. We all can't help but laugh at the faces we are pulling, especially Devan. Mouth wide open in pure terror. We save the photo onto our memory maker and continue onto the next ride.

The next ride was the pirates of the Caribbean ride ( one of my faves irl) then the buzz light year space ranger spin, followed by the teacups and lastly Big thunder mountain. Then we all decided to go and meet some characters. This included Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Chewbacca (for the boys) and some of the Disney princesses for me and Shannon. Ariel and rapunzel to be precise as they are our favourites.
By the time we had finished all of that we decided to get some food at one of my favourite little restaurants 'Cosmic Rays Starlight Cafe' then it was time for the fireworks.
As we stood by the castle waiting. We decided to get some cool nighttime shots of us in front of the castle. Devan and I did a few relationship goals ones; one of us kissing in front of the castle and us making a heart out of our hands. Collins did his usual squat and point and Shannon did a jumping boomerang that was soon posted onto Instagram. Then the fireworks began. We stood in amazement as we watched the blue, green, gold and red glows alight the castle in a rainbow.

I watched the fireworks, standing next to Shannon and I figured that now was the perfect time to tell her. To tell her that I like her. Here it goes I thought. I take her hands and turn to face her.
'Collins?' She asks in confusion.
Before she could say anything I pulled her in and pressed my lips against hers. She didn't try to resist. I pulled away and we stood there smiling at each other as the fireworks slowly die off and the crowd starts to fade away.
'So if you couldn't tell, that was my way of telling you that I.... like you'
Then she pulls me into a kiss and then pulls away, still holding my hands.
'And that was to say that I like you too.'
We stand there smiling in front of the castle.

Me and Devan stand there watching them with such joy. We didn't even need to say our plan and they came together on their own. I rest my head on Devans shoulder, he kisses my head and we watch Collins and Shannon standing there, dazzled by love, smiling at each other.

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