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i won't be permanently leaving wattpad.

i have already made a new wattpad account. i have already made a new kik account.


to anyone who mourned or left comforting messages on my message board, thank you. you guys are the reason why i stayed on wattpad for as long as i did, and words cannot express how much i love you for that. thank you for everything.

as for the people who decided to comment on how "toxic" zara and i apparently were:

you're pathetic. i'm not going to sink to your level and give away names, but you know who you are. and if you decided to comment on what happened after we left our accounts and especially if you weren't even involved, words cannot express how much of a rat you are. by whining about how "toxic" we were, you're no better than what you believe us to be.

it's funny, really. knowing how pathetic and sad you guys are, you're going to screenshot this and send it to your friends and laugh about it. which only strengthens my point. you guys are sad, sad people and i don't need to inflict anymore misery on you.

now, go on. screenshot this. send it to your friends. i'm waiting.

alrighty, i'm off to my new account. i'll miss you all. i love you. goodbye.

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