Chapter 1

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{Chapter 1}

I remember. I remember being taken by Loki. Becoming his slave, servant. It was awful.

"The rules, pet, are

You shall call me Master Loki or King Loki.

You shan't speak unless spoken too.

You will obey my every command.

Simple enough. Even for you."Loki purrs into my ear.

He backs up and kicks me in the face when I remain quiet.

"Do you understand?" He asks coldly.

"Yeah. Whatever." I mumble rubbing my cheek where he kicked me.

"Tsk tsk. That just got you double the punishment." He smiles slyly.

"What! Why?" I screamed outraged.

"Oh? Should we make it triple the punishment?" He asks seductively.

"No my king! Please don't!" I yell out but it is no use.

He takes a whip out of a drawer and hits me 10 times. Hard.

"Loki! Stop! That hurt!" I scream at him.

He turns around and looks at me.

"Shall we do another 10?" A smile spreads across his face.

"No! Please no!" I say.

I was use to being punished. He would beat me then. Love me. Kiss me. Be sweet.

"That's only half my pet. Only half. There will only be one more punishment. I promise." I hear him say.

By now, I'm crying. He squats down and looks at me.

"Quiet or I'll give you something to cry about"he says meanly.

He picks me up and sets me on the desk.

"No Loki!" I plead, "please don't!"

I fear something bad is going to happen, but surprisingly it doesn't. He actually was sweetish.

"I'm not! I'm simply getting you out of that torn clothing. Oh pet. I must not leave you like that. I mean look at you! Your ass is bleeding badly. Here put on this."

He hands me one of his shirts and I put it on. It stops mid thigh.

"Oh much better!" He coos. "So much more skin!"

He began to trace his fingers down my back to my thighs.

"Loki quit" I mumble

"Why? You don't care for this attention?" He asks puzzled.

"Not really."

"Oh. I had no idea. Most people do y'know." He said quietly. He looked genuinely concerned

"Well... I don't." I said scooting closer to him.

"I can tell by your lack of interest on me. You see... What I don't understand,"he whispered slipping closer to me.

"Mhmm?" I hum.

"There's a connection between us. And I just wish to explore that." He whispers deviously.

"Oh. Loki... I" I began but am interrupted.

"Pet" he says just before our lips meet. I grip his hair while he glides his magic hands up and down my back.

I feel as if I'm losing my purity. I'd never kissed anyone.

"I love you" I hear him moan.

I break off from our kiss.

"You what?" I ask in confusion.

"I love you. When I was watching you on earth I knew I wanted to spend my life with you." He says. He leans back in to kiss but I stop and walk away.

"I thought this meant nothing to you!" I scream "I'm your servant still! I thought we were just messing around, not anything serious. I can't be with you Loki..."

As soon as the words left my mouth I regretted each one a little more that the last. I'm a monster I thought. I just broke his heart. I was the only one he let in and I-I just shut him out.

"Kneel then, whore. I was merely testing you out. You're not terrific. Not even close. You are worth nothing. Not even the ground you walk on should be put through that misery. KNEEL!" He screams.

I do as I'm told and kneel before him.

"Now for part 2 of your severe punishment."

"Yes my lord?" I said in a shaky voice.

He takes his scepter and touches my neck with it. A sharp pain screeches through my whole body, consuming it.

"Loki please!" I scream.

"Tsk tsk. Talked with out being talked to." He smiles a toothy grin and walks over to a drawer towards the left of the bed.

I don't see what he pulls out and i don't think I want too.

He walks over and smiles. He hands me a small glass bottle that holds a thick blue liquid.

"Drink it" he says almost silently.

"Yes master." I drink it and instantly feel relief all over my body.

"What- why?" I ask stunned by his act of kindness.

"You look awfully terrible when your in pain." He said slowly.

"It was your doing." I reply

"Don't you think I realize that?!" Loki screams.

"I'm sorry... I don't want to upset you-"

"Upset me?! Upset me?! Please! I pity you. You.. You just said no to the king of Asgard!" He yelled at me.

I began to tear up and soon I was crying.

{Loki's POV}

As she began to weep I pulled her close.

"I'm-" I stopped. She needed to know I was in charge.

I punched her in the stomach then grabbed her throat.

"Loki please... I'm I'm..."

Then she passed out.

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