30-Come Back...Be Here

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You Said It In A Simply Way, 4am, The Secound Day, How Strange That I Don't Know You At All.

Stumble Through The Long Goodbye, One Last Kiss, Then Catch Your Flight Right When I Was Just About To Fall.

-Come Back...Be Here- Taylor Swift


I sat in my bed. Rocking a baby to sleep. She was the lightest sleeper I've ever meet, if a pin dropped it cause her to wake up.

She cries alot and I'm not getting any help with this at all. Joeys usually out now a days and I feel like a fucking single mom.

I take Cherry to school. I come home and the baby wakes up, I feed her, she naps, I bathe Flawsy and feed her lunch, the baby wakes up so I bathe her, Cherry comes home, i feed her and Flawsy dinner, and the baby cries all night.

Where does Joey come in?

Lets fast for ward to three thirty am, Joey comes stumbling in drunk, calls me a whore, I don't argue back because Im sick and fucking tired of yelling of someone who doesn't deserve for me to even breathe around him anymore.

Then the baby sleeps through the night.

I wake up and do the same fucking thing. I always worry about Joey because I never know where he is and some nights he doesn't even come home. I haven't even kissed the man in four weeks.

*That Next Morning.*

"Do you want Mac & Cheese?" I asked Flawsy. She nods, her blonde curls bobbing.

There was a knock on the door.

"Uhm. Just a sec Law." I said running to the door.

I opened it and was met face to face with Melina.

"Hi..." She said. "Uhm. hello." I replied. "Come in." I said.

She did. She looked around.

"Make sure to be quiet. The baby is sleeping." I told her. She nods understanding.

She started crying. I stood there awkwardly cause I am the most awkwardest person in the world.

"Are you o-" "Emmy I'm sorry.!" She cried.

Instantly I felt guilty. She shouldn't be saying sorry, I should. I mean I boned her boyfriend she shouldn't have to say sorry for letter her douche dick boyfriend in my pants.

"No I'm sorry, I sucked your boyfriend dry and I really shouldn't have." I told her hugging her. She hugged back with a slighy giggle.

"What?" I asked. "You always know how to brighten up a dull moment and you dont even try. I hope we can be friends again." She told me. "Of coarse. We will always be friends Mel. No matter what." I told her. she smiled.

We talked for a couple of hours. A couple of 'Hows Joeys' or 'Hows Sawyers.' and Jack and drugs. Rehab. Kids. Marraige.

"Is Sawyer mad at me?" "No he thinks you're mad at him." She told me. "Im not....I love Sawyer but I just wish he'd stop the lies about whats real and wats pretend." I told her.

"I think Sawyer needs to grow up." She confessed. I agreed, he really does. We are all almost thirty and really need to learn how to be adults and stop fighting, fucking, lying, and just be friends.

"Yeah. we all need to grow up..."I replid. she nods agreeing with me completely.

"But how?" she asked.

"Thats the hard part." I told her.

Flaws (Joey Graceffa fanfic) Book:3Where stories live. Discover now