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Im running down a dark ally way, I have never sprinted so far so fast in my life. But i can't let them get me, who knows what those demonic demented beings want to do with me.. They could beat me worse then my stepdad does, they could rape me, they could kill me or torture me .. Or worse .. They could understand me..


The bell rings and it's time for 4th period the worst of them all .. Gym... See I used to love gym we would play kick ball and have fun.. But that was before the day that.. It happened..

**flash back to yesterday**

My friends and I were about to line up for soccer, my favorite sport, when the coach was no where to be found.. We all didn't care we just sat around and talked.. Our coach Mr. Walker came in with a new kid behind him.. No one could see the kid because our coach was huge.. Not even kidding he was a giant .. Anyway , once Mr. Walker started to give directions for soccer, he moved away . And that's when I saw him , the most handsome guy I've ever laid eyes on.. He had dark brown locks that were in the way of his stunning metallic blue eyes .. He was fairly tall and had a strong build .. I didn't realize I was starring until my friend Kara elbowed me in the ribs. Because she new I wasn't paying attention to her ranting.. An when I looked back he was gone.. I asked her about it and she said " sometimes girl I worry about your dumbass.. Are you on drugs or something?"

Then I punched her in the ribs and she pretended like she was hurt.. When gym was over we were passing the millions of windows in our hallway to get to our next class. That's when I saw him again .. His reflection made it seem like he was right behind us .. I turned around and looked but nothing was there.. "Hey I was talking to you jeez Christi do you always zone out like this when I'm not paying attention?" She said . "Sorry bae I thought I saw something.. Go on with your story I'll listen I promis." I said.. Then I started thinking.. Thats weird I could have swore I saw him.. Was I goin crazy?

** end of flashback **

The next few days went by and I didn't see any sign of the strange boy.. So eventually I forgot about him.. But what I didn't know was that forgetting wasn't an option .. Nothing could have prepared me for what was coming next.


Soooo?! how did I do?? First time ima try to right a random story !! Wish me luck vote comment love!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2014 ⏰

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