Being a cat is hard nya~

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Yesterday I went to my friends house and he had cats...Which means lots of cat toys..He knows I'm doing nekomimi subliminals so he kept throwing cat toys at me and of course I had to pounce on them....and of course he didn't stop.
12 hours. I was there for 12 hours.
He noticed a few things to such as:
-my eyes dilated when playing with the cat toys
- he said when I scratched him it felt like cat scratches not human scratches (he should know what the difference is he has cats and his ex has long nails)
(There's a huge difference between a 15 year old saying this and a 9 year old saying this 9 year olds just try to play along because they're kids)

Anyways tonight I'm going to theme park and I'm gonna ride the Fury! (Which is the biggest roller coaster there) That's gonna be fun~

See you later nya~

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