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(End of pov )
Caleb's pov :
I woke up in my bed and a message on my phone from Lauren
😇:hi Caleb!come outside!
That was weird why did she want me to come outside? I opened the front door and saw Lauren's phone on the ground with a note
Hi old friend welcome back home let's get to the part u want to here I have Lauren you took Annie from me so I take Lauren from you ,you can have her back if u follow 10 clues or give me Annie
10 clues or Annie
P.S. just say what u want out loud

What happened! Why is Lauren gone I need to tell Annie but first
⚾️:I choose the 10 clues !
The another note fell on me

Clue #1:

The place we first meant

Alright now to tell Annie
(End of pov)
Annie's pov:
I woke up at 9:00am and remembered I had to get ready to go out with Hayden! I got dressed and headed to Starbucks
💖:hey Hayden!(said while giving him a hug )
🎤:hey anns
💖:Thanks for inviting me !
🎤:np ,let's go order our food
While sitting at the table eating
Ring! Ring!
💖:sorry Caleb's FaceTiming me !
🎤:it's ok just answer
💖:hi Caleb!
⚾️:Annie something happened
💖:what's wrong ?
⚾️:is Hayden with u ?
🎤:yeah what's wrong?
⚾️:I woke up to a text from Lauren saying come outside so I went out the front door and found her phone with a note saying that ,whoever it is has Lauren and is mad at me for taking Annie away from them they said if I want Lauren back I could get 10 clues or give them Annie
🎤:plz tell me u choose the 10 clues
⚾️:I did , I need u guys to help me
💖:did the person leave Any thing as clues who it could be
⚾️:they sighed of like this "-B" and I'm pretty sure it's a boy
💖:that's right what's the first clue
⚾️:"the place we first meant "
💖:..the baseball field
🎤:go there and look for a clue Text us and call us for help
⚾️:will do talk to u soon
💖:bye be safe
⚾️:u too
Call ended
💖:great when thing where starting to get better they turn and go bad !
🎤:it's ok Annie
💖:is it because I'm not so sure it is
🎤:we have to try let's go u need to take your mind off this
We walked out of Starbucks I was angry why dose this keep happening!
And every time it does it seems me and Hayden get into a fight then push it to the side but I want to talk about them this is so confusing!
🎤:we should head to Kenzie's
💖:yeah ..
🎤:ok what's wrong
💖:nothing I'm fine
🎤:stop lying
💖:I'm not
🎤:yes u are I can tell
💖:it's not important
🎤:yes it is why can't u tell me what's wrong
💖:I just can't ok
🎤:come on where friends
💖:I will tell u after the video is done
We walked into Kenzie's house
🤠&😋:hi guys
😋:alright let's get to the video I have a meeting in an hour and a half
😋:hey guys welcome back to our channels want to explain what we are doing today Annie
💖:sure today we are doing a q&a we asked u guys to ask us so question and the name of the person who asked the question will be on the screen
🎤:let's get
🤠:on to the video
😋:ok the first question is for Johnny
😋:Canada or LA
🤠:well I like Canada because that's where I'm from but I also like LA because of all the opportunity's  and weather
💖:ok next question is for Kenzie
💖:what is your favorite part about being on tour
😋:um probably just getting to be with my friends and meet all my fans and getting to explore new places!
🎤:ok next question is for Annie,what is your favorite part about being in LA
💖:um I would say getting to do a lot of cool things for u guys and hanging out with new and old friends
🤠;cool now Hayden this question is for you ,are u every going on tour
🎤:maybe I'm not sure but I would love too
💖:next question is for Kenzie and Johnny,will jenzie ever be real
🤠:well you don't know what can happen in life
😋:yeah but me and Johnny are just friends
🤠:next question is for Hayden and Annie,is hannie real ?
🎤:we can't confirm that
💖:or deny it
We answered about 15 more question and ended the video
And said bye to Kenzie and Johnny
💖:let's go to city walk !
🎤:not so fast
🎤:remember u told me you would say what's wrong
💖:oh that can wait
🎤:no it can't I'm tired of waiting anns
💖:let's go somewhere private
We headed to the beach and walked really far away
🎤:so what's wrong with you
💖:it's just are u sure your ready
🎤:I'm ready are you?
💖:I ...

Well then !💖 I might post soon thanks for 4k reads on my first ever book u guys are amazing!

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