part 1

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Today I thought it was going to be the best day of my life untill I saw the letter and I picked it up it broke my heart in pices and it was the moment my life changed forever

Demi's POV

It was the beginning of something new untill I saw the unexpected when I got home

There was a letter in the kitchen table with photo of me and Wilmer in the back of the letter.

Dear Demi,

I always love you, I want you to chase your dreams , I want you to fly higher, I want you to enjoy all the adventures life throws at you. But most of all I want you to be happy and do new things without me I want you to know that I love you and I will never forget the happy times we spent together this last 6 years. One Las hug from the the girl who is my life drug. One last cuddle, to the girl who makes me the happiest man in earth, Just remember that there is this guy who lives you most when you have no make up on. This is only a goodbye for now.

I finished reading the letter and I couldn't express how much hurt and sadness I I was feeling. I went up to my room I cried my self to sleep and from then on I knew I will never love some one as I love Wilmer.

I woke up the sun shining in my room I closed my eyes so they could ugust to the sunlight. I didn't want to believe that Wilmer left, I got up and went to the bathroom to clean my face and take a shower, as I was looking my self in the mirror I saw my eyes were red and puffy. I went back to my room to check my phone and I had 2 missed calls from my mom, I don't want to talk to any one or be in public, I feel alone and sadness is feeling my body just thinking about Wilmer and how much he made me smile.

This is only the beginning of my life story so keep reading to find out more...

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