Who will fall

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Hazels POV:

"Hazel, Hunny". Mom says gently. "Today is the reaping, get up".

I just groan and flip over

"Come on hazel, just get up!" she says sternly

"Fine" I mumble


'I've gotten dressed, I've eaten and brushed my teeth.

There is only 3 more hours until the reaping.

I'm terrified, scared, nervous.

This is my 3 year, I'm 14.

Oh and by the way, I'm from district 6'

I quickly scribble into my dairy.

'I'm hopping I don't get picked, nor my only friend, Frank. I don't have lots of friends

Never did.

My dad left my mum when I was very little. I never knew why. I always think it's my fault. I'm such a disgrace to the family, that he ran way with no reason.

That's why, if I don't get picked; I'm volentering'

I quietly shut my dairy with my pencil in it and walk into my closet to gather up some courage for the reaping.


Sorry it's so short for the first chapter

I hope u enjoy this fanfic

I'm in my iPod right now so I can't make thing bold and stuff

So yah

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