Chapter 15- Elena & Vixen

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Elena's POV

I run after Shane at full force, taking no chances. I leap onto him and pin him to the ground. Rick rushes to my side and helps me.

I get off of Shane and Rick holds him down. I don't want to risk him doing any damage to me or my baby.

I immediately go to Vixen and check her over. Vixen cries into Carl's shoulder.

"Here let me take her." I whisper to Carl.

He opens his arms and I slowly take her, being careful not to hurt her.

"I'm sorry baby, I'm so sorry I lied. I never want to lie to you, I never thought that this would happen. I'm going to make sure that he never sees us again, if he hurts you again he will pay." I promise to her.

I lift her up and take her back to the house.  Before I enter the house I look back and see Shane and Rick talking intensely.

I open the door and help Vixen onto the couch.

Vixen's POV

Why me? What did I do to piss people off so bad that they have to hurt me? I was shaking. I had already had enough of this from my dad.

I sat on the couch next to mom. Beth came over with an ice pack. She looked saddened. I didn't bother to question her.

Shane is a bad man, just like my father. I hate this world. Both before and after the apocalypse.

"You should get some rest. I have to take care of some things." Mom said to me.

"Be careful." I told her. She kissed my forehead. "Always." She recited.

She left the house and went off to do things. Beth came over and sat beside me.

"My mother was in that barn..." She choked on her words. "You're lucky you have your mom, keep her safe." Beth told me.

I nodded my head. I'll train every day to get better and help out my mom. I paused my thinking. She has a baby inside of her. My fear grew. She was going to have another baby. Then I won' be her baby anymore... She won't love me as much. I'll have to share her.

No! I didn't want to. She was my mom and it's going to stay that way.

Elena's POV

I found out from Rick that Hershel broke down from his wife being shot and ran off to the town. Rick and a small group were gonna go and get him.

I walk out into the shed where Shane was being kept for now. I open the door and the light hits Shane's bald head.

"I thought I made it clear that if you touch my family that you were gonna pay." I threaten him.

"She is in the way of us being together, with Vixen out of the picture I thought that you would be with me." Shane pouts.

I lift up my foot and kick him square in the face. Then I exit the shed and close the door behind me. I take a deep breath and lean up against the door.

I slide down and tears start to fall down my face. I though that I had escaped the abuse.

Now it's just ten times worse.

Vixen's POV

I shot awake from a nightmare. I looked around for Carl, but I couldn't find him. I went outside and looked. When I found him, I ran up to him and hugged him. He was surprised at first but when he saw it was me, he instantly hugged me back.

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