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I turn the knob to cold until the blood stops draining. I think about a lot of things before I get out of the tub. How I can't talk to anyone, how boys give me digusted looks, how I have an ugly face, how my teachers don't even talk to me, how I am tired of life, how I might kill myself, how that wouldn't be a good idea.


I get out of the shower and I clean the wound with hydrogen peroxide. I tape it up and put Neosporin on it.

Once I am done getting fully dressed I walk to my bed and I crawl in getting blissful sleep.

I wake up to go to school, put on clothes and I get in my car to leave. My parents are never home, they work from four in the morning to late in the night after I have gone to sleep. I am an only child and I am competley alone all day, everyday.

There is a week of school left, but I am not excited like the other kids. I have to sit alone all day without anyone. This is part of the reason why I started to cut myself.

I get to school and I get straight to class. The teacher is not there so I sit outside her classroom until she gets here.

Boys pass by and they spitball me and call me rude names like, "nasty," "What an ugly bitch," "go kill yourself and spare the world your ugliness," they say snickering.

One guy says " Guys guess what I found... the ugly duckling."

Tears come to my eyes and I figure that I have had enough of this bullshit all my life so I get up with tears in my eyes and I punched the boy and knee him in the groin. With my luck a teacher sees the whole scene and she yells at me.

"Laura! come with me to the principal!"

The boys howl "ooh," as I pick up my bag and walk in front of the teacher.

The principlal let us into his office right away.

"I caught her beating up a boy."

"Oh ok, Laura tell me what happened yourself."

I didn't talk because I was too scared.

"Alright if you don't speak up I am going to have to take the teachers word for it."

I got out a peice of paper and started writing the whole scene down for him.

He just nodded his head and when he was done he said, "alright miss, I am going to call your parents. You are gone until next year, so have a good summer."

"What about the boys who were calling me names?"I say quietly.

" Well they didn't get physical, but they will get detention. You got physical so therefore you get the punishment."

He calls my parents but they don't pick up. He sighed and left a message and then sent me to my car.

I went home and locked myself in my room and I cried myself to sleep on the ground.

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