Chapter 2

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Scarlett's pov

I could have almost smiled if it wasn't for the fact that we had just arrived at the hotel.

We had boarded a bus about 20 minutes ago; my legs were extremely cramped.

I was going to smile because I was finally on ground, but I was horrified that the hotel was in the middle of a forest.

In the whole train, only about 6 other people had decided to come here.

They all looked normal. They were all boys.

They all seemed to get along ; they were talking, but there was one boy that was different.

He was all alone, and he had a hoodie over his head, so you couldn't see his face unless he was facing you.

That was one person who had the same plans as me.

Stay away from everyone, make no friends, and don't fall in love.

I walked inside along with everyone else.

The lobby seemed to be unoccupied, completely deserted except for a receptionist.

"Hi everyone, my name is Lilly, I'm the receptionist of this hotel. Everyone here is in their teenage years, and this hotel is mostly populated by actors, singers, dancers, musicians, and artists, but there's many more people here. Ill give you your suites key, and you may all enjoy yourselves. You will also be having classes here, but most classes focus on what you want to be" she said running out if breath.

I rolled my eyes as most if the people booed at her last sentence.

Immature weirdos.

I hesitantly took my key from the receptionist and made my way up the stairs.

My room was located on the third floor.

I saw a few people on my way up so I did my best to hurry so I could just go into my room and hide.

I was about a few feet away from my rooms door when I heard someone say


I quickly began to jam my key card, trying to get inside of my room, but I failed miserably because I had dropped the key.

"Hey! My name is Louis, I was in your bus earlier. You seem a bit quiet!" He said as he reached me. "And your hands shake alot" he added.

"Uh ok?" I said awkwardly.

He chuckled. "Hey it's alright, we aren't that weird!" He said grinning.

"We? There's more?" I asked, not able to contain my curiosity.

He laughed. "Yeah there's 4 more of us. Harry, Liam, Zayn, and Josh. They're cool though. We all have atleast one room mate" he said.

"Except for that room" he whispered.

"Uh ok?" I said once again.

He chuckled once more. "You probably think I'm a weirdo. Anyway, we are having a small get together with the people on this floor. It's only me, the other guys, you and your room mate, and that boy!" He said excitedly.

"I-I have a roommate?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Oh gosh" I thought to myself.

"I can't come..." I said as I turned into my room.

"Oh puh-lease, I'm sure you can. We just want to get to know our neighbors. We are all normal actually" he said smiling.

"I can see that! But I can't go" I mumbled sarcastically as I turned to face him.

He laughed. "You'll see that we are normal! But please try ok? We want to see everyone there. It will be fun!" He smiled. He stared at me waiting for an answer.

"I-Ill think about it.." I sighed in defeat, causing him to smirk.

"Ok! See ya there!" He said as he began to walk over to his suite, which was right next to mine.

I sighed as I made it inside of my room.

I looked around, even though I hated admitting it, this place was really cool.

As soon as you walked inside, you would see some beautiful blue and green couches, and a flat tv on the brick wall. There was a door on that wall leading to a small but nice kitchen.

Then on the wall the couches were on, a small hall way led to two bedrooms. They each had their own bathrooms.

They looked similar, except they were laid out differently, and they were a different color.

One was green, and the other was blue. The covers also had different designs.

I left my luggage in the hallway and walked back into the living room only to be startled by a girl.

"Hi! My is Rania. I guess I'm your room mate" she smiled, laughing a bit at my scared expression.

"Sorry I startled you!" She said as she put her luggage down.

We were both about the same height.

She had curly brown hair and brown eyes. She also seemed very nice.

"It's fine! I'm Scarlett" I laughed nervously, as I took a seat on the green couch.

"Nice to meet you Scarlett. Did a creepy short guy named Lewis ask you to go to a party thing?" She asked.

I nodded. "He is kinda creepy..." I mumbled, causing her to smile.

"Are you going?" She asked me.

I instantly shook my head no.

"Why not? It will be fun! We should go, maybe they'll be cute!" She said as she sat beside me.

"I don't know, they're strangers..." I responded.

"They're our neighbors though..." She said.

She had a good point.

"Come on! It will be fun!" She said once again.

It was hard not to like her. She was really nice and funny too, and I would be living with her.

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to have 1 friend.

She looked at me with an awaiting smile.

"Ugh fine ill go..." I sighed.

"Yay!!! Lets go get ready, he said to be there at 6:00, we only have an hour!" She smiled as she ran into the blue bedroom.

I sighed as I walked into the green room.

I did not know if this was a good thing...

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