Chapter 9

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"Caroline's POV"

"Caroline...the police. ..they arrested your dad. There will be court in two days and we both have to go" Demi said.

After hearing what Demi just said, my heart literally stopped and I collapse to the ground, shaking.

"Caroline, whats wrong" demi said while running towards me.

"Follow my breathing, in and out, in and out"

Soon my breathing slowed down. Demi carried me onto the sofa and started stroking my back.

"Hey whats wrong?" she asked.

I started crying.

"D-Demi I cant see my dad again, I-I'm scared and if what if we dont w-win"

"Hey babe I promise I will be with you all the way and he cant touch you, if he does, I swear I will break his nose. Besides, I'm sure we will win, hundred percent positive"

"B-but if we win, then he will be sent to prison and I will have to be at the adoption centre and," I paused awhile "I will loose you"

I cried harder at the thought of that. I cant loose Demi. No way. She is my whole world. We only knew each other for some time but our connection is very strong. She is the one that is helping me when no one else is. I love her and if I loose her, I will break into pieces.

And I will never be fixed. Ever again.

My breathing gets faster and faster and I cant breath. I was choking on my own tears.

"Caroline babe, please calm down" Demi said and she hugs me tightly, making me feel safe.

After awhile, my breathing calms down and crying stops.

"Caroline,  what do you think if I adopted you?" Demi asked, smiling.

"Are you serious Demi?" I asked, shocked.

"Of course, I love you more than anything and I dont want to loose you"

I was so happy.

"Yes of course!" I said smiling.

I would be the happiest girl on earth if Demi adopted me.

"Haha, what do you say if we go to the amusement park? " she asked.

"Yes yes yes!"

"Come on, lets go"

*At the amusement park*

"No, im not going on that scary roller coaster!" Demi said.

"Scary Cat Demi, just go"


"Demi please?" I asked, giving her my puppy face.

"Ugh fine, just for you"


I pulled Demi all the way to the roller coaster. She was screaming the whole ride. Lol Demi.

"Oh god that was scary. No more scary roller coasters anymore!" Demi said.

"No its not scary and fine!"

"Can we please go play that game? I want that unicorn soft toy"

Oh my dear Demi.


Demi ran to the game station and paid to play the game. She had to throw the rings into the bottles. She missed the first one but got the second one.


"I bet you will fail the rest" I said, laughing.

"Shut up!"

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