Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Well hello to all of you lovely readers out there who still seemed to be interested in my writing even if it really isn’t that enticing!!

39 chapters already and I’m still halfway through the story so I couldn’t say thank you enough for sticking around!

This chapter is quite long, in fact this is the longest chapter that I have ever made and I stayed up all night for 2 nights so I could finish it for you guys. 6,000+ words all for your reading satisfaction.

Anyways, hope you guys enjoy this chapter and happy reading to all!


And before I even realized, the days of my 2nd to the last week of stay here in the incredible city of London had passed by like a blur and before I knew it, it was already Saturday.

Much to my disappointment, Brittany had to go back a week earlier than I did so she could join the basketball team that she had been trying to sign up for.

At the moment, I was trying to help haul Brittany’s humungous suitcase down the stairs. The boys couldn’t come here to say goodbye so instead they called Brittany’s phone and practically crushed her eardrums yelling about how nice it was to meet her and that they’d miss her quirky, bubbly speeches and outbursts of opinions whenever we went out together.

She was happy to get their phone numbers so she wasn’t at all sad about not getting to see them.

“Finally, we’re down the stairs..” I say as I wipe the imaginary sweat on my forehead.

“It really isn’t that heavy, you know.” She says matter-of-factly as I roll my eyes and we made our way to Jane’s car where she was waiting for us.

The drive to the airport wasn’t that long so we were there a bit early, which was good so she could have enough time for her to go through security and all so she wouldn’t miss her flight. After going through the endless crap of checking everywhere for drugs or anything illegal in her luggage, we finally walked to the waiting room where we had to wait for 10 more minutes until they would be allowing the passengers to board the plane.

“I’m really gonna miss you.. and you’re going to miss out on a lot of things..” I say after a woman called out to the travellers that it was now ok to get on the plane.

“Aww, I’m gonna miss you too Al.. I wish I could stay, you know that..” she says as she discreetly wipes a few tears from her eyes and hugs me tightly, as if we weren’t going to see each other for another 6 years.

“Now, who am I supposed to spend the rest of my stress-eat nights with?!” I joke as she chuckles. Now it was my time to tear up.

“Oh come on, Hazz will be there. The boys will be there too. I’ve made them promise to never let you out of their side, you know. Especially to that cheeky boyfriend of yours..” she says as we finally say goodbye one last time and Jane and I watch her board the plane, waving to her goodbye.

Once she was in, we walked back to the car as I thought of how I’m supposed to say goodbye to everyone when my time to leave would come. I couldn’t imagine it. Oh how I’d miss everyone and everything here.

Jane drove to Nandos, just like the time when I first got here, naïve to what was about to happen in the near future during my stay.

We ate in silence and I was grateful for that. I really didn’t feel like talking about anything right now. After that, we went straight home and I walked immediately up to my room.

Since I was kind of homesick, I called up my family, one by one of course. Then Harry to tell him and the boys that Britt just left.

I got bored so I spent the day sitting in my room watching boring soap operas to pass the time.

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