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It's me, Lila. Thank YOU, MADHAVA. I am really very thankful to YOU today. Today, we all have seen the miracle . Yes, we saw it. Medha didn't knew that we were watching her in the garden while she was playing her flute. It was the saddest tune we have ever heard her playing. We were simply listening to it but we all were completely amazed. While she was playing the flute, I was the first one to see a spark of light behind her, right above in the sky. I thought that it was a group of fireflies. But after few minutes when it continued to come closer and closer, everyone of us could see the glowing peacock feather properly. Even her parents saw it while they were standing on the top of the roof. The sky was so cloudy that it was clearly visible that it was a glowing peacock feather. We all ran inside the room to call her parents. On the other side we saw her parents running down the stairs after seeing this miracle. When we and her parents were going to check whether it is true or false, we saw Medha running towards us with the beautiful, glowing, white feather in her hand. She was so happy. That scene left all of our mouth open. We really didn't knew how she caught it because we ran inside by the time it reached to her hand. The atmosphere was silent. We could only feel the cool breeze, we could only see Medha with the beautiful feather in her hand, and could hear the sweet sound of rain outside the house. The feather shocked not only us but also the nature. She said nothing, but her smile gave us a message of happiness again. We all have read her book where she wrote about her dream. She described everything about the feather. She explained whatever she saw from the first to last in her dream. At that time we thought that it was a story which she named as the 'MOR PANKH',  'THE PEACOCK FEATHER'. But it was our mistake to think it as a story. She was happy the whole day. Now she is sleeping deeply with the feather under her pillow. Sometimes she is checking whether it is there in it's place or not. THANK YOU SOOOOOOOO MUCH. We all love YOU.
                                             Heart Broken

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