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Wow, this will be some serious stuff. 😅 By the way: no hating on ships here, I swear ✋

Sooo, first. Why am I writing this book?

You may know that I'm an Eremika shipper (maybe because I say it in the title, but anyway 😂). However, I don't ship it because I like this ship (even if I do lol) but first because there are some reasons that make me think that a love story could happen between these two. I want to say why, because it's really (like... really) complicated.

I think most of AoT fans have difficulties to understand deeply the characters, especially Eren and Mikasa. They are very complex characters (maybe more than you expected...) so I think it's normal, especially if you just watched the anime once or twice. I watched it at least five times, and read the manga twice. I think it helped me to understand more clearly...

I really want to give my opinion because I truly think I'm right about this ship. Yeah that's pretty pretentious lol but I'm saying that because I won't say things I can't proof with quotes or manga/anime scenes. But if you disagree, say it in the comments with your arguments, I'd love to talk with you about it 😊 If I see interesting arguments, I'll edit to add this in the text, and talk about it.

I will really try to give true and concrete arguments, because I discovered that almost everybody is dishonest about this ship.
Eremika shippers are always overinterpreting... For them all the scenes are a proof to say that it is cannon...
Anti-Eremika are like "lol no they r siblings" and using other stupid, wrong or unfounded arguments.
Not everyone of course, but a lot of people, sadly.

Here, I will rather analyze each character (their personalities, their motivations, their interactions with each other, their quotes...) to determine what kind of feelings they have for each other. My goal here is to say why this ship is likely to be cannon. In the conclusion, and in the conclusion only, I will say why I would like this ship to be cannon. Of course I will also talk about "Anti-Eremika" arguments to admit or disproof it. First I will talk about Mikasa's feelings, and then about Eren's. Finally, I will give my final opinion in the conclusion.

I hope this will help you to understand better these characters, even if you don't ship Eremika. Let's try to restore the truth! ✊

WARNING: THIS COULD CONTAIN SPOILERS (I tried to not put major spoilers but actually there are some so read at your own risks)

Why I ship Eremika ✓ (Characters Analysis)Where stories live. Discover now