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~~Story POV~~

Y/N woke up in the middle of the night, feeling pain in her lower area. She got out of bed and started to walk around, hoping the pain would go away. While she was walking around, she felt water trickle down her legs. Her water broke. "A-Aaron!? M-Mom!?" She called. Luckily Y/N's mom and Aaron walked into the room.

~~~~~~~~~~After the birth~~~~~~~~~~

(The twins above, Your son is in the purple blanket.)

"After 9 1/2 months, my grandbabies are born!" Rachel squealed quietly. Y/N was holding D/N in her arms while Aaron was holding S/N's in his arms. "S/N looks like Y/N the most." Aaron said in a soft tone. "And D/N looks like Aaron the most." Y/N said. Y/N started to hum (song above) and smiled down at her daughter.

Sorry for the late chapter. I had writers block for a little while and I'm getting ready to go back to school but I hope your enjoy the special chapter! Bai!

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