How You First Meet

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You where running out of a bar in Knowhere after starting a huge bar fight to escape your high rising tab. Running out of energy, you take a left into a dark alley and bump into a tall-ish man.

"Ow! Hey! Careful..."

"S-sorry!" Y/N bows down.

"It's okay just be more careful, you could get hurt.... um...."


"Y/N..... well I'm Peter, or you may know me as Star-Lord."

"Hmm Nope!"

Peter's face fell a bit causing you to laugh.

"I'll be sure to remember it."

"HEY YOU! STOP RIGHT THERE!" Yelled our an angry voice.

"Well... gotta go cutie, here, call me up if you're ever in need of saving" Peter said giving you a paper with a number on it with a wink and running out the alley from the angry man.


You were working a late shift at a bar in Knowhere. You weren't able to be a prostitue like most of the females working, you found it too degrading and weren't willing to give your body up to just anybody. You wanted to wait for someone who you truly loved. A group of rowdy aliens walked in. You were taking orders left and right when the rush finally fell. You could see in the back a group of mismatched aliens talking and laughing away. A giant tree, a raccoon, a Xandarian.... maybe?, a green woman and a grey man. A slow smile crept onto your lips. You enjoyed seeing people of many differences get together. Showing how bonds can go deeper then blood. The grey man turned all of a sudden, making eye contact with you, causing you to blush slightly. Another group came in and the rush started again. One of the men you served started to get really handsy with you.

"H-Hey stop that!" You told him.

"What's wrong sweet cheeks ? You'll like it when I'm done with ya!" He said in a sleazy way.

You struggled for a while with him, he started squeezing your boobs and ass as you tried to fight him off.

"Leave that woman alone!"

You turned to see the grey guy from before approaching you and your assaulter. The grey man pulled you next to him out of the sleazebag's reach. Before the sleazebag could say anything else, the grey man knocked him out.

"Are you alright little one ?" He asks.

You were too shocked to say anything and just nodded.

"Good. I am Drax. I do not want you to get hurt so please come meet my captain. This place is no longer safe for you." He said dragging you to the table he was at, leaving you entirely confused.


You worked as a maintenance worker at a ship yard and saw some real doozies in your time but oh boy was this one back. The remains of the ship your co-workers call the Milano was in your shop section.

"The hell? Did they fly it through a meteor shower?! Poor baby's been through a lot!" You say.

"Yell the captain ain't too bright to start with." Says a voice.

You scan your surroundings and look down to see a bipedal raccoon giving you a smug smirk. He makes eye contact and quickly breaks it.

"Oh sorry, heh I'm Rocket, one of the ships crew members." He said

"Hi Rocket, I'm Y/N. Your captain is a real monster." You say slightly joking but internally serious.

"Y/N.... I like the name. Yeah the captain tends to ruin things." He said with a smirk

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