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Calandra fell into Kaleo's arms, her body trembling with terror. Kaleo held her tight against him, his tail twining around hers. He buried his face in her hair. "Cal." He breathed her name like it was a prayer. A tear fell down Calandra's cheek, solidifying along the way until it was a glimmering, tear-shaped pearl that floated towards the ocean bed.

In the moment of reunion, neither of them noticed the tides already shifting, rushing away from the island. As the water swelled with power under the strength of the storm, the inlet of the island became a funnel of deadly force that churned with malevolence and swept up anything in its path. While the ship rocked with growing violence beside them, the merfolk dove deeper into the water together, holding hands while they went.

"Why did those humans try to take you, Cal?" Kaleo asked, squeezing her hand.

She shook her head. "I don't want to talk about it, Leo. We need to get out of here and fast."

He frowned, but let it go for the moment, because it was growing harder to swim. The water lit up with flashes of lightning as the storm began to rage overhead.

Suddenly, Calandra's fingers were ripped from his. Kaleo cried out and turned to chase his wife, who was caught up in a rip current, helpless against the power of the sea. His heart pounded hard in his chest--it felt like it was punching his ribs. Around him, the ocean was in chaotic flux, twisting in on itself and dragging at his tail. His arms strained against the tide that had grabbed him and forced him apart from his wife.

Calandra's pale blue tail was glittering in the water, only a short distance from his reach, taunting him. Waves swelled up in the water, tossing the merfolk around like they were nothing but driftwood. Kaleo tried to sing, but his song was nothing compared to the roar of the ocean.

As they struggled towards one another, a new wave rose from the depths, scooping up his wife as it arched into the flashing sky — a towering giant of nature's wrath. Lightning flickered overhead. Kaleo screamed, helpless to get to her. She reached for him, shouting something that was lost in the wind. The wave curled in on itself and dove for the rocks of the nearby island.

Calandra shattered against the reef, breaking like she was made of glass. Kaleo screamed and surged forward, but the ocean roared back and shoved him even farther away. He struggled until his arms were on fire and his breathing was labored. The waves picked him up and carried him away into the darkness, spinning him around until he could not tell which direction was up.

It was dawn when the storm broke, and Kaleo was finally able to swim. He dove deeper into the water and searched for his beloved, hope still shining in his haggard face.

"Calandra!" His voice was hoarse, barely a whisper of a croak, but it carried in the now still water. "Calandra! Cal!"

The merman swam along the ground, his tail stirring up the sand when it brushed against the ocean floor. "Can you hear me? Please, say something!"

A glimmer of blue scales caught his eye and he changed direction, swimming toward that glimpse of hope with renewed determination. As he approached the sandbar, she came into view slowly.

Calandra's torso was covered in black and blue splotches that bloomed like flowers over her beautiful brown skin. Jagged cuts covered her from neck to tail, evidence that the rocks of the nearby island had ravaged her during the storm. Kaleo paused, floating above her.

Finally, he looked into her eyes. They stared out into the ocean, seeing nothing.

His hands trembled as he reached out and touched her cheek. "Cal?" She didn't move. His fingers trailed up and into her dark hair. "Aren't you going to tell me I'm late?"

His voice broke and his breathing stuttered. "Please, say something for me."

Kaleo slid his other hand under her back, gently lifting her up. Her arms floated in the water. He held her close. "I know you're hurting, Cal. Don't worry." His breathing grew erratic. "I can fix you. Just like I fixed your harp. Remember Cal?"

Kaleo opened his mouth to sing, but his throat was closed tight with heat and tears. He tried again, and forced his voice past the lump in his throat until he could sing.

Around them, his magic lit up the water, summoned by his song. It flowed over her body, mending her broken bones and repairing her ripped skin, but it couldn't fix her bruises. Nothing could fix her death. Kaleo sang until his choked sobs overcame him.

"Cal." He whimpered and lifted her head until he could press his forehead to hers. "You can't leave me."

A sob racked through his body. "I love you." Each tear that slid down his cheeks became a shining pearl and floated down to rest in the sand.

Kaleo lay on the ocean bed, holding the body of his wife until they were surrounded by a cradle of pearls and he had no more tears to give. Merciful sleep took him then, and he slept until the water darkened and the moon rose. When he woke, his first thoughts were about what came next.

Tradition dictated that he perform the song that would turn her body into a vitae gem — the gem that would be his reminder of Calandra for the rest of his life. The last thing Kaleo wanted to do was sing such a song, but Calandra was cold in his arms now. If she were able to speak, she would scold him for taking so long to get home.

He moved into a seated position, still holding her in his lap, and he sang once more for her. As the magic wrapped around her, she began to dissolve into foam, starting with her fingers and the tip of her tail. The foam ate away at her and freed her body to join the waves that lapped so calmly overhead. The last part of her to vanish was her face, looking serene in death.

Finally, all that was left of her was a pearl that shone even in the darkness of the night cycle. Kaleo reached out and took the pearl, cradling it to his chest. He hunched over it and breathed deeply. When he was ready, he pushed his tail against the sand and lifted into the water to begin the swim home.

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