A Bodyguard's Duty - Chapter 10

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A Bodyguard's Duty - Chapter 10

The light's flickered constantly in the dim hallway, bass pumping through the walls. The hooded figure ignored the vibrations and pounding music, keeping her head down. Tattooed men loomed over her with drunk eyes and maniacal grins. Tugging the cloak tighter around her body, she breezed past the large bodies guarding the VIP area.

Mason Sear, the most feared man in the Crime syndicate. Everyone shook in their boots when they heard his name. One glare from him could freeze even the toughest of criminals. At the ripe age of twenty one, he could make supermodels grovel at his feet and older women toss their morals out the window. Mason was a sinful man, one who cared little for anyone else. His dark eyes and sensuous lips did nothing but make him even more desirable.


Mason tilted his head, eyes temporarily leaving the array of exotic dancers. With slight irritation, he placed his drink down.

"What?" He snapped.

The guard gulped, wanting to escape his bosses harsh glare. Stepping to the side, he shoved the hooded figure to the front. She stumbled and Mason raised an inquisitive eyebrow.

"Who's this?" He asked, eyes narrowing.

The girl gulped, raising her head to meet his eyes. Her breath caught in her throat. She'd hears the stories and the gossip, but never imagined Mason Sear to be beautiful. Devilish, yes, but not this. Mason regarded the woman. She had an average face, so he doubted she came to ask for anything sexual.

"I am here with news." She said and he nodded for her to continue.

Sweat trickled down her forehead and she swiped it away, "the Starr and Slade gangs are forming an alliance."

This perked Mason's interest. Figuring that this would be a serious conversation, he batted away the roaming hands of the girls surrounding him and rose. He stood straight, all six foot four inches of him screaming danger.

"Come." He ordered, heading towards his office.

The girl followed, taking the time to examine him. The clothes he wore fit deliciously, showing off his body that was pure man. Even though she was sweating like a pig from fear, she couldn't hold back the woman inside her. Biting her lip, her eyes trailed down to his pert butt.

"What else do you have to say to me?"

She snapped her head up, hoping he didn't catch her. Only then did she realize that they were in his office.

"I-" She cleared her throat, "I heard that Harley Starr was the only female heir in the city. I thought that you'd might like to know, considering you were of age to find a wife."

Mason sensed an ulterior motive. This stranger could not have possibly told him this for his own benefit.

"Why are you telling me this?" He questioned her, leaning back on his desk with his arms folded.

Her eyes followed the movement of his biceps contracting and she mentally shook herself. Focus.

"She has something I want." She admitted, feeling slightly ashamed of herself.

Ah, Mason nodded his head. Her own selfishness was driving her to tell him this. He didn't bother warning her that what she was doing was treason if she were associated with either of the gangs. She'd learn that on her own when she got caught.

"Is that all?" Mason pushed for more information. There was no way he'd let the last female heir in the area to be taken. Especially one that was easy on the eyes. He'd originally had his interests in someone else, but her family had been assassinated many years back.

The girl gulped and Mason smirked at her fear.

She licked her lips, "I saw the heirs together a few days ago. I also overheard that Gage is going out with another woman this weekend."

Mason's eyebrows rose. Another woman? He already had Harley Starr, what else was there? This other woman must have had something Harley didn't possess and Mason wanted to know what. A plan formed in his head along with a sly smile.

"Do you know where their date is taking place?"

"The mall." She answered without missing a beat and Mason pushed off the table. He figured she deserved atleast a small thank you. After all, without this piece of information she delivered, he would have had no clue about other gang activity.

Mason crossed the gap between them, a devilish smirk gracing his face. The girl gasped when he brought his hands around to cup her cheeks through the material of her hood. He dipped his head and placed a small kiss on her lips. He felt her move forwards to deepen it, but pulled away.

"Thank you for the information." He said before leaving the room and the flustered woman behind.

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