My Reasons For Not Liking Luke

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Reasons I Don't Like Luke -

1 : He's too nice of a character (I love complex characters like Nick).

2 : He's always playing the good guy, never killing anyone or anything except walkers (he doesn't kill even if it means he's in danger).

3 : He gets mad at Nick a lot for no reason (Nick just trying to protect the group). Luke fighting and arguing with Nick helped nothing in the situation(s).

4 : He fights with Kenny for no reason too. Luke is always trying to fight it seems.

5 : He got Nick killed, letting Nick go out with no weapon and a bleeding out shoulder. Nick's death is mostly Luke's fault.

6 : He claims to care about his friends but, got Nick and Sarah killed.

7 : He always 'tries' to help but, makes the situation worse. (Like when he got caught by Carver or didn't watch out for walkers like he was supposed to.)

8 : He barely reacted to Nick's death, like the 20 years of friendship meant nothing to him. He fucked Jane hours later, completely forgetting about Nick's death. He didn't even grief or was really sad about the fact that his best friend is dead.

9 : He was more angry about the fact that Jane left than that Nick died.

10 : I hate that he always tries to act like a leader and take charge. Kenny is a better leader than your ass.

Sorry all you Luke fans but, I can't stand him. I don't like him much.

I think I'm done ranting xD

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