Chapter 1

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"Hey Frey, you look amazing".

"You don't need to sound so shocked mom", I said, scrunching up my nose with slight indignation.

"I don't know if I'm liking the skin showing ", my dad said, looking up from his newspaper.

"Dad, I'm in my third year of college. I am celebrating my third anniversary with my very respectful boyfriend. I think I can handle a tiny bit of my stomach showing", I said softly.

"Still don't like it", he said, and I rolled my eyes as I grinned.

I'm a pretty modest person, but I knew that I looked good. I was wearing a white bodycon two piece that made my tan pop, and made my hair look even blonder.

"Where is Jack anyway?", my thirteen year old sister Poppy said, looking up from her phone.

"The day Jack is on time is the day purple pigs will fly", I said and she smirked.

"I hear a phone", mom said.

"That's me", I said, running out to the hall to grab it. I saw Jacks number popping up and I smiled as I answered it.

I wish I'd known that it would be the last time I would smile in a long time.
"Who was it?", Poppy said absentmindedly.

I looked at her, transfixed on her phone. I looked at Dad, absorbed in his newspaper. Mom, eyes fixed on the TV. So relaxed, so unaware that everything was changed, everything ruined. 

"Jack is dead", I whispered, my voice just a breath.

"Hmm?", she said, hardly listening.

"Jack. Is. Dead".

They all looked up instantaneously. Tears filled Poppy's eyes as she looked at me uncertainly. My dad bit his lip, his face pale. And my mom, she looked at me with total distress and worry.

"What happened Freya?", she said gently.

What happened? I really, really didn't know how to answer that.

"He took his own life", I said softly, my head suddenly feeling heavy. Dads eyes closed as my mom covered her mouth with her hands.

A cry came from upstairs, as my two year old brother Theo woke.

"I've got it", I said, walking upstairs before anyone could stop me.

All three of them were crying. I should have been too. But I couldn't.

"Hey chicken", I whispered, as I picked Theo up and rested his weight against my hip. He gave a teary sigh before resting his head on my shoulder.

I rocked him up and down, feeling his head go heavy as he fell back asleep gradually. I put him back into bed softly, and as I looked at his peaceful sleeping face, I felt such an intense surge of jealously that I actually hated him for a minute.

As I walked back downstairs, I took a deep breath. I walked into the sitting room, the silence making me edgy. My mom walked over to me, and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Sweetie, are you okay?", she asked, very softly.

"I'm fine mom", I said quietly. Then I rubbed my temple with my index finger. "I have a lot to do tomorrow. I have to go shopping for something black, because I don't really have anything. And I have to go see Jacks family. So I think I'll head to bed", I said blankly.

They all looked at me with stomach churning sympathy.

"O-Okay sweetheart", she replied, kissing my cheek. I didn't look at Polly or my dad as I walked upstairs. Every step felt like I was in quicksand. When I got to my room, I locked the door. I leaned against the door and slid to the floor.

And I wondered how I was going to ever muster up the strength to get back up.

A/N:Hey guys I'm really excited about this story and I hope you guys enjoy it. Any feedback would mean the world ❤️

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