5. In You Alone

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         It was getting late, her work in the kitchen almost over. While her, Anette and Alisha were washing the dishes, Jacob and Marcus were taking care of the kitchen itself, taking the trash out and scrubbing the doe's blood from off the floor.

"And I put glitter into his car air conditioner vent, and when he turned it on the glitter was just everywhere. " Anette was talking about a prank she did on her boyfriend at that time.
"God you're just eviiil!" (Y/N) laughed out.
"That's not funny at all, do you know how hard it will be to get it out? It would take months to get rid of all of it!" Jacob yelled.

Jacob was black as well and he was well build. From what the woman could hear, he was the reason why the food would be sometimes too spicy. He was taller than Marcus and Daniel and his eyes were brown and almond shaped. He was a really good company keeper, always knowing how to break the ice and make you laugh. Not to mention that he was really kind as well.
It felt good to be able to socialize with people without being afraid.  Strangely enough,  the Saviors that worked together were more lively,  and maybe that's why she opened up to them more.  They acted just like before the fall of humanity.  But with their exceptions,  of course.

"Exactly! " Marcus approved him
"That was the whole idea. " said Alisha, with her usual cracking voice.

(Y/N)'s stomach made a noise right when everybody was quiet. They clearly heard it too.

"Shit guys, I'm so hungry. " she said.
"Me too. "
"Yeah, me three. " they all agreed with her statement.
"Let's eat and we'll clean after. Sounds good? " Marcus asked, with a raised eyebrow.

They settled down and began eating whatever there was in the kitchen.
The cafeteria was too far away and they were feeling way too tired to walk there so they just sat down where they felt like it. On the floor, or on the counters, it didn't really matter.

"So, guys, " (Y/N) stopped to take a big bite of a chicken leg "Since in going to work here from now on, at which hour do I have to show up? "

They took a second to think about it, or maybe to chew properly before answering.

"At 6 A. M. ? Yeah...That means you have to wake up at 5:30 to get here on time." Marcus informed her.
"You're serious?! Everyday? "
"Not really. We're kinda free on weekends. Kinda free, we wait for people to show up and we mainly just warm things up and serve them." Anette said.
"What hour is it now? " you asked.
"It's 11:47 P. M. " said Alisha after checking her hand clock.

Someone decided to enter the room without knocking on the door. (Y/N) was facing the door, but when the others stood up and dropped their food to kneel to their leader, she just remained the same.
They looked at her, almost asking her with their eyes to show some respect.

"Good evening people, may I interrupt you just for a bit?" Negan ironically said that, along with his signature smirk "I would like to steal (Y/N) for couple seconds. Is that alright?"
"Yeah, sure thing sir..." Marcus said with a nod.

She could tell by his eyes that he was worried for her, but he couldn't do anything.
The woman masked a sigh, let down the leg and jumped from off the counter.

"Come here. We'll have a little walk 'n talk. " he said as the two of them walked out the door, (Y/N) wiping her greasy fingers off her black jeans.
"What do you want again?" she went into defensive.
"Aren't you happy to see me? I'm genuinely hurt... " he closed his eyes in a hurtful expression and put his free hand over his chest.
"Oh, what a pleasure to see you again. Last time you locked me in for two days." she said in a monotone yet tenacious voice.
"Awe, you're right, but you deserved it. You learned your lesson I hope."
"Anyways." he started,  with a more serious and energetic voice this time.
"Can I make it up to you? That's actually why I came here in the first place." Negan continued as he got closer to her, managing to snake his arm around her waist.

The sudden warmth on her body made her tremble a little, knowing from who it was coming from.
After everything that happened, she really needed a hug; but not from him!

"Don't touch me, y-you-!! " she talked in a raised tone and hoarse voice. She panicked a bit.
"What did you said, darling? I didn't quite hear that, why don't you come just a little closer?"
He only held her tighter, a thing that that made her incredibly uncomfortable.

He shortly let her go, and started searching for something into his pockets.

"You see, I don't usually enjoy punishing women, unless we're talking about sex, but you really pissed me the fuck off.  And for that I'd like to make it up to you." he said as he pulled out a very nicely packed candy from his jacket.

Her (eye color) eyes looked at the thing in a skeptic manner.

"Take it, it's good. I promise!" he salt and pepper bearded man reassured.

Giving into the cravings, she took it, making him bare his teeth in a smile.
She opened it only to find that there wasn't only chocolate inside, but a little paper as well.
Putting the candy in her mouth and savoring the taste, she began reading what was written on the paper.
There were some writings in some Latin languages, but also a translation.

"In you alone to but my faith, my strength, my pride. "

Not only the quote, but the chocolate itself was another great thing. It was basically melting in her mouth with a velvet feeling while leaving traces of hazel nuts and milk. Divine taste.

"How was that? " he curiously questioned.
"Good." she said, a mediocre description of what her taste buds actually tasted.

° ° °

"Good night, doll. " he said as he closed the door of her room. He seemed softer this time.

Turns out she was still allowed to sleep in her room, after all of that. Second chance kind of thing.
 And her own clothes came back from being washed. Fortunately, the ring was still inside the pocket. Her heart fluttered as she took it out and in her hand, in the end hiding it in her bra once again. Just like always, she put it in the left side of her breast, that way it was closer to her heart.
She changed into some clothes that were inside the closet and went to sleep, as she was really tired from today's work.

Waking up at 5 A.M. the next day sounded sci-fi to her, considering she didn't had any clock or alarm. Pretty much already fucked, she resented with the idea, but still hoped she would make it. She closed her eyes and went to sleep.

She woke up at 3 from another nightmare. She began having these quite often once again, and that affected her mental state to a certain degree. Definitely not going back to sleep, she picked a book from the shelf and read until 5, when she began dressing up.

Time went by fast, so she found herself again into the kitchen.
Under the guidance of her team mates, (Y/N) learned how to do some new stuff. And also learned that the weird machine she saw yesterday was used for making pasta.
The more you know.

"Hey J, come here, I need you to taste this. " Kim yelled over to Jacob.
"Wait, I'm dealing with oil! Shit! " a drop of hot oil jumped from the pan onto his hand, to which he responded by shaking away the pain.

You were cutting some vegetables and quickly adding them in a pot for some sort of soup.

J went over to her and tasted the stew she made.
The young woman looked at him with her curious mono lid eyes.

"Damn. You're only getting better at this. Keep it up. " he said as he patted her on the head, leaving her startled in happiness to her little success.

It was only after that incident when (Y/N) found out that Jacob had a natural talent when it came to cooking.
Even so, Marcus was a chef, so he was better than him, also the reason why he was ruling the kitchen.

The noon hours came and the whole kitchen team, including (Y/N) went outside for their lunch break. They took (Y/N) to the spot they sat while in their break, a place outside the building, underneath a lonely tree.
Sitting down, they could hear the wheels of a truck in the distance.
"Great, more things that I have to take into the storage room." Daniel complained.
One gun shot, two, and they all shut up and listened.
"What the fuck was that?! " said Daniel and got up, together with others as well.
"Let's get a closer look." Marcus breathed out in a cautious tone.
"Something's definitely not right."

Moving closer towards the whole scene, and throwing a look around the place, (Y/N) spotted a so familiar sheriff hat and silhouette.

"Hoolyy shit. " she spoke.

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