Prelude III

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The sound of shattering glass snapped (y/n) out of her thoughts. Still in a daze, she saw a big ball of crystal falling and breaking into thousands, of tiny little pieces. (Y/n) looked up to see Rex's almost bored face. It took her a minute to realise what actually happened.

Lying at her feet, broken beyond magical repair, was her mother's Lacrima. The only thing that was left behind by her mother. The only way by which she could hear her voice. (Y/n) panicked, what would she do now? What if she forgets her own mothers voice, when she grows up? What did her mother say in the recording, again?

"How could you?" She screeched with all her might. The only thing Rex did was to smirk at her. The smirk increased her anger.

"I'll k-kill..." She broke of, not knowing what to say. Compared to him, she was a tiny ant that he could crush any minute.

"What would you do, huh?" Rex leaned against the wall and said dryly.

"I hate you!" That was the only thing (y/n) could come up with. She had no choice. She couldn't do anything she wasn't strong enough.

"Sweetie, is that how you are supposed to talk to your dad?" Rex said in a mocking voice, "besides, that's not what your mommy dearest said to me, when I killed her."

(Y/n)'s mind went blank. Rex couldn't have said, what she thought he said, right? It was just an empty threat, right? But he was capable of doing it.

"You killed her..." She thought out loud, as Rex turned around and started walking towards the door, probably to go and sleep again. She would never see her mother's brown hair, or her (e/c) eyes. She would never hear her laugh. She would never hear her voice. And it was all because of Rex–

Two magic circles, dark in color formed behind (y/n). Her six year old body stretched and was almost twelve feet long. The skin darkened and was now covered with scales. Her nails grew into long purple claws. Her long (h/c) hair was now locks of dark flame surrounding her face. It was beautiful in a strange, terrifying way.

"Now if you're crying is done, make some food because my guild master is going to come to this rubbish cot–" Rex didn't even have time to finish his sentenced, as a hand tore into his chest.

The last thing he saw was a pair of lifeless (e/c) eyes, before he drowned in the dark abyss of death, lying in his own pool of blood.

Back to her six year old self, (y/n) started at her blood smeared hand and then at the body lying in front of her. She didn't know what had come upon her. But she remembered killing him. It was as if a beast had taken control of her. It had been asking to kill more and more people. To extinguish the flame of blood list, she had thought about happy memories. And due to that she was now back to how she used to be. At least physically.

She heard footsteps approach her, but paid them no heed. It was surely someone who had come to take her away, put her in a prison, maybe even kill her.

"Shadow demon... interesting. No wonder it's forbidden. It can have it's consequences." (y/n) looked up to see the broad form of Master Jiemma. So that's what this curse was called, Shadow demon. She was terrified but intrigued by the name, at the same time.

Master Jiemma's expressionless face was almost glowing. How could he have ignored such strength, all these years? She was even stronger than Rex. Rex had only a part of the Shadow demon curse, but (y/n), she had a demon inside her. If this puny little girl joined Sabertooth, then it would become one of the strongest guild in all of Fiore. Especially better than that good of noting fairy tail.

"I killed him." (y/n) said, blinking.

"Very good, you're a part of Sabertooth now." And with this, he walked out of that room, with (y/n) following him.

The guild mark on Rex's hand had already faded.

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