Forgive and Forget

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or the concept of Harry Potter, they all belong to J.K. Rowling.

Afternoon in Hogwarts, all the students were walking to and from class, while some were casually lounging in their common rooms, the library, the halls, or the great halls. While the students stay in their classroom learning and some are where they need to be, the professors were all in their respective classes, teaching their own students. It seems that everyone was busy doing what they need to do, however, there are residents in the castle that have nothing to do but float about, and they are the ghost of Hogwarts. There are various ghost that can be found in the school, like Moaning Myrtle of the girls' lavatory, Professor Binn, the Black Knight, and many more. The most notable ghost are the house ghost, each representative of the house they were once in. Nearly Headless Nick, The Fat Friar, The Grey Lady, and The Bloody Baron. All four of them create the ghost council of the school, and if anything or anyone new came into the school, in ghostly terms, they were the first to know.

"And that is all for today... " Sir Nicholas said. All four house ghost were in an abandoned tower, conducting a meeting on current events. All were present and listening intently as they formed a circle around each other. The friar was in between Nicholas and the Grey Lady, the Grey Lady was in between the Friar and the Baron, the Baron was in between the Lady and Nicholas, and lastly, Nicholas was in between the Baron and the Friar.

"Is there anything more that we need to discuss?" The Baron asked his fellow ghost. Everyone became silent but then the Friar shyly raised his hand. All looked at him for what he has to say.

"I was wondering if we can talk over letting Peeves join the Feast in the great hall" The other three ghost groaned at the Friar's request. They knew he would bring this but as they've always said before...

"Friar we talked about this, Peeves cannot partake in any of our feast because of his rude and prankish behavior..." Nicholas explained.

"Yes but... The good Baron can help with keeping him in line?" The Friar suggested.

"Just because he listens to me, does not mean I can always keep him in line" The Baron answered.

"Dear Lady, do you have anything to say on the topic....?" Nicholas asked, as he looked at the Grey Lady just looking down on the floor. She lifted her head up to see all of them looking at her. When she looked at the Baron's eyes, she looked away with a disgust.

"None...." She stated. Everyone looked at her confused but shrugged, knowing they can't get anything out of her at this point.

"Alright then, it is settled, for the last time... Peeves is not allowed in the feast, Friar... I'm sorry" Nicholas proclaimed. The Baron nodded in agreement, while the friar looked down sadly and nodded. The Lady nodded quietly.

"Good, meeting adjourned" Nicholas said. The first one to leave was the Grey lady, as she quickly phased through the wall. The friar looked at her retreating form and followed behind. Nicholas watched the two as they left but then looked at the Baron and saw him watch her leave.

"Is something the matter, Baron?" Nicholas asked. The Baron shook his head and turned to phase through a wall. Out of curiosity, Nicholas followed the Baron by phasing through the same wall and floated right next to him.

"Look, I know it is not in my position to ask..."

"Then don't ask then" The Baron quickly replied, the nearly headless ghost ignored his remark and continued

"But I need to know, why do you give the Grey lady such cold and yet intense stares, surely there must be something going on between the two of you, despite the Friar and I ever seeing any interactions between the two of you" The Baron stopped floating and nearly headless Nick floated in front and turned to face him.

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