Part 1

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Hi this is my first attempt at writing a fan fiction
I apologise for the spelling punctuation and grammar but hopefully autocorrect will be my friend 😂

Just incase you don't know what centre parcs is here's a very long video (which u can skip a lot ) that shows the place abit

Let's get started

It was a lovely summer morning in London and the Howell family were getting the car packed up to go on a 5 day holiday to centre Parcs in thetford forest. Among them was a boy aged 18 called Daniel but he preferred to be called Dan. He was mostly wearing black apart from his pale blue socks that had llamas on them, his eyes were Hazel brown and his hair was a curly brown mess. Unlike the rest of his family he wasn't happy about going on this holiday as he rarely went outside and spent the majority of his time on his PS4 playing games online with his mates, but he had to go because his mother had said he would be banned for a year from his PS4 which would be the end of the world for Dan.

In Manchester the Lester family  were also getting ready for their holiday to Centre Parcs they were going for 7 days holiday and they were all buzzing. Especially Philip who was jumping up and down at the though of going in the pool even though he was 22. He always wore bright colours to watch his bright blue eyes and dark black hair which Was like a black hole. Unlike Dan he was always outside and loved being with his family so he didn't have to be forced to go on holiday with them.

Both family's arrived on the Monday all very excited and bubbly (except for Dan of course). They all checked in and coincidently there villas were only 3 apart even though they didn't know each other.

I will update again soon thanks for reading

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