Antique shop

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I've lived more then 15 years in the same old house, which was once an antique shop in a very busy area.

I just didn't like the place when I first came to live here with my parents. My father died very soon after we moved in. My mother afterwards started seeing visions of my dad sitting at her bed. She said she was awake and the visions couldn't be a dream. I wasn't convinced back then because it's too weird to believe, as many events are here. But I know now that everything we saw and felt was so true.

When I was about 12 years old I moved into my own room next to the attic, underneath the roof. Here I started having weird dreams. I had to walk a big long staircase without any light before reaching my room, so I got used to darkness. It's not that darkness was playing tricks on me, which it often does to people.
But I started experiencing strange events in my room.

One night I was sleeping and suddenly I heard someone shouting my name through the house. I woke up and I heard it. I said "yeah what's wrong", and again I heard my name. So I walked to my mother's room and she was sleeping, my brother too. There was no one else in our house, which was frightening since it was so clear I'd heard my name. I went back to bed and again I heard my name. It began driving me crazy, but I tried to ignore it.

I started having serious nightmares about places which appeared on the news. I also started having dreams about places where dead people were found. I experienced certain nightmares which were always identical, One night I dreamt about our attic where I heard a man calling my name. In that same dream I saw someone hanging on a rope fixed to the beams of the roof. I had that dream more then a week straight, so I asked my mom if someone died here in this house. She said that the only one she knew of was the antique shopkeeper who had hung himself. This just made me feel uncomfortable. I didn't tell my mom about my dream but now I know that the guy from my dream was the shopkeeper who lived here. I now believe my Mom's story about seeing my dad on her bed staring at her.

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