Getting smelly the dog

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|| Bryan POV ||

David's birthday was tomorrow and I was still a loss. I was always amazing at choosing out presents but this time I could just not think of a single thing to get David, well that's not true, there were plenty of things I could think of to get him, but none of them seemed good enough for him. Then I remembered, there was one thing David always wanted to have but never could, a dog! It was perfect, David and I bought our first house last month, it was time to add a member to it little family.

"Rocky? Do you have a place to keep a dog tonight" I said as rocky answered her phone.

"Bryan, what the hell are you talking about" she said shocked.

"Tomorrow is davids birthday and I am going to the shelter to get him a dog, can I leave it at your house for the night?" I asked hoping the answer was yes.

"Ugh bryan, I guess you can bring a damn dog to my apartment, but expect me to buy myself a nice pair of shoes with your credit card" rocky said with a little laugh

The shelter was crazy, the amount of barks and meows that could be heard where maddening.
Of course I don't like cats but, god where they cute. Then we got to the section of the shelter where they kept the dogs.

When I first got there I saw a litter of Black and Tan dogs, one dog was smaller than the rest and he was playing in the back of cage alone. I knew from the moment I saw him, he was the dog for us, but I wanted to visit with the other dogs. As I walked down to the end of cages I got to the worst part, the part they call death row, where dogs are put when they are close to their date they get put to sleep. I got to death row, took a deep breath, and walked in, there I saw a large bull dog type dog, it looked like it was about seven years old, the poor dog was the sweetest dog I had ever met. I decided then, that two dogs where better than one.


I woke up to the sound of davids alarm going off. I felt the bed move as he pressed the snooze button and lied back down. When he lied back down he put his arm loosely around my waist. I then remembered, I needed to go to Rocky's to get the dog so I could get him back to the house before David really woke up.
I then got opened eyes and started to get out of bed.

"Bry where you going" David asked confused as to why I was waking up so early

"Oh.. well.. they need me down at the set of sing, apparently the writers are messing everything up, as usual." I said adding a little anxious laugh at the end.

"But bry, it's my birthday, can't it wait till tomorrow?" He said frowning

" David I promise I'll be back in an hour, okay sweetie "  I said hoping he wouldn't get angry.

"Fine babe, but no more than an hour? Please" he said.

"I promise, no more than an hour" I said putting a kiss on his lips.

Everything was set up on the back yard. I had both dogs with bows on their collars and all the supplies we needed to take care of them. I was so excited for David to see them.

I went into the house and David was no where to be seen
"David" I called out and received no reply.
I assumed he was just still asleep so I went upstairs to out room, when I went in there I saw him sound asleep. I hoped onto the bed, not hard enough to do damage to the bed but enough to wake him up.

"Wake up birthday boy" I whispered in a sing songy voice.

"Ugh okay" he said getting out of bed.

"I have a surprise for you downstairs come on" I said gripping his hand and directing him to the back door.

"Bry", he said giggling, "what are you doing"

"Babe, if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise" I said stopping in my tracts to turn around and kiss him on the nose.

We got down the stairs and I opened the back door to revel rocking holding the two dogs on a leash.

"Bry, are you serious?" David said looking me in the yes.

"Of course I am, meet our two new family member" I said walking him over to the two dogs. He then picked up the small puppy.

"But they're perfect but this one needs a bath, it stinks" he said laughing at the sentence that would choose the dogs name.

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